- Children born to unmarried parents are particularly susceptible to poverty. 未婚父母生下的孩子特别容易陷入贫困。
- Of, relating to, or being a child or children born to unmarried parents. 私生的,非婚生的由非婚父母所生的孩子的,关于非婚父母所生的孩子的
- In Sweden, with the highest rate in the EU, more than half of live births are to unmarried parents. 瑞典是欧洲未婚婴儿比例最高的国家,一半以上的新生儿出生在没有结婚的家庭里。
- Born in 1954 to unmarried parents, Winfrey was raised by her grandmother on a farm with no indoor plumbing in Kosciusko, Miss. 温佛莱在1954年出生,由于她的双亲是未婚生子的缘故,她是在密西西比州的柯西阿斯克市由祖母抚养长大,那是一个没有室内配管设备的农场。
- the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents. 未结婚的父母所生养的孩子。
- That boy's parents are unmarried, therefore he is a bastard! 那个男孩的父母未结婚,所以他是私生子。
- She writes to her parents once a week. 她每周给父母写一封信。
- She led him into believing that she was unmarried. 她巧妙地使他相信她仍小姑独处。
- of,relating to,or being a child or children born to unmarried parents 私生的,非婚生的由非婚父母所生的孩子的,关于非婚父母所生的孩子的
- I know that as of last week he was still unmarried. 我知道到上星期为止他还没有结婚。
- Theoretical construction about claiming children born by unmarried parents 非婚生子女认领制度的理论建构
- The court is acting in loco parent. 正以家长地位行为的法院。
- His unmarried sisters were left quite unprovided for in the will. 他在遗嘱中没有给他的未婚姐妹留下财产。
- The parents tried to smother up his son's crime. 这两个家长想给其儿子掩盖罪行。
- Children's bad behavior is often a reflection on their parents. 小孩的坏品行常常有损父母的名誉。
- Her elopement astounded her parents. 她的私奔使她的父母大为震惊。
- Her parents coerced her into marrying the man. 她的父母强迫她嫁给那个人。
- The boy begged me not to tell his parents. 这个男孩请求我不要告诉他的父母。
- His parents balk at the cost of the guitar he want. 他想要那个吉他,但他父母看到吉他的价格却踌躇不决。
- Such conduct is displeasing to your parents. 这种行为会使你的父母生气的。