- unrestricted grmmar 不加限制文法
- We have unrestricted access to all the facilities. 我们可随意使用一切设施。
- Unrestricted Use of Consigned Equipment b. 无限制使用存储设备。
- Such goods are typically granted unrestricted tariff-free access. 对这些商品一般给予不受限制的免征关税的待遇。
- God grants me the boon of vision unrestricted by time or space. 承蒙上帝的仁慈,对于我,现在已不再有所距离或障碍了。
- Assemblies have unrestricted access to the Clipboard. 程序集可以不受限制地访问剪贴板。
- Unrestricted hotel development has ruined the coastline . 无限制地发展饭店已经使沿海地区遭到破坏。
- Do employees have unrestricted access to drinkable water? 工人可无限使用饮用水吗?
- Grmmar is absolutely necessary equipment on the road of English learning. 语法是英语学习道路中必不可少的装备。
- She said there was "no unrestricted academic freedom. 她认为学术自由并非完全无限制。
- China is on the record promising unrestricted coverage. 中国是在档案记录上承诺无限制范围。
- Modern city can not tall, but can not blindly unrestricted growth. 现代化都市不能没有高楼大厦,但也不能盲目无限制的增长。
- It is said unrestricted sumarine warfare would begin immediately. 德国说一场不受限制的潜艇站将立即开始。
- Unrestricted hotel development have ruined the coastline. 无限制地发展饭店已经使沿海地区遭到破坏。
- But a computer that can pass an unrestricted Turing test could do it easily. 但是,一个能够通过不受限图灵测试的计算机就可以轻易完成此事。
- Unrestricted verbs are usually stronger than those qualified by adverbs. 自主动词通常比那些被副词限制的动词灵活。
- The bringing of people of different racial or ethnic groups into unrestricted and equal association, as in society or an organization; desegregation. 种族或宗教融合在社会或组织中,使不同的种族或宗教派别的人处于无限制的平等的关系中; 取消种族隔离
- They would establish a common market with unrestricted intrazonal trade. 他们将建立一个区域间贸易不受限制的共同市场。
- "Unrestricted" here means warship or merchant vessel, no difference. “无限制”在这儿意味着军舰或商船,一样对待。
- Sailing areas cover inland rivers, coastal water and unrestricted water. 航区覆盖内河,近海及远海。