- But two tawdry facts remained: Mr Musharraf had never won an unrigged election; and had long been unpopular. 但他的两个污点依然存在:从未赢过一场他未加操控的选举;长期不受欢迎。
- Most Pakistanis are moderate.That is why, in last year's unusually unrigged election, a coalition of Islamists, including JUI-F, did miserably, losing power in NWFP and Baluchistan. 大部分巴基斯坦人都很温和,这就是在去年那场异乎寻常的未经操纵的选举中,伊斯兰激进分子联盟(其中包括伊斯兰贤哲会)在西北边境省和俾路支省惨败的原因。
- His persistent refusal to take off his army uniform and allow unrigged elections alienated liberal opinion. 而他也一直拒绝脱离军职,不允许自由选举,这让他远离了自由的民意。
- But two tawdry facts remained: Mr Musharraf had never won an unrigged election; 但他的两个污点依然存在:从未赢过一场他未加操控的选举;
- It seems uncertain why he lost the election. 他落选的原因似乎并不清楚。
- The outcome of the election was in doubt then. 当时大选的结果还看不准。
- No one know better how to rig an election. 没有人更知道如何操纵选举。
- He is to stand for York at the next election. 他将在下届选举中做约克郡选区的候选人。
- Defeat in this election would mean he was done for. 这场选举的失败意味着他政治生涯的结束。
- The election has been slated for October. 选举已经定在十月举行。
- I may vote for her at the next election. 下届选举我可能选她。
- The police stopped several riots on election night. 警方在竞选之夜制止了几处骚乱。
- The presumable result is an election defeat. 推测结果是竞选可能会失败。
- Have you read the news about the election? 你看了关于选举的新闻了吗?
- Urged on by his colleagues, he stood for election. 他受到同事的鼓励而参加竞选。
- He lost his seat in the Parliament at the election. 他在选举中失去了议会中的席位。
- Feelings are always running high in an election. 在选举期间,人们的情绪总是激昂的。
- The candidate has walked away with the election. 那候选人已经轻易地在选举中获胜。
- Our party was routed at the election. 我们党在竞选中被彻底击败了。
- The candidate lost the election by a whisker. 该候选人以微弱劣势失去了竞选