- The results showed difference equations of steady state and unsteady state conduction may been solved by MatLab effectively,quickly and accurately. MatLab is a cogent tool for studying and analysis of heat transfer. 结果表明MatLab工具能够十分有效、快速、准确地求解稳态与动态传热微分方程,为传热过程的数值分析研究提供了一个强有力的工具。
- The landslide is in critical creeping motion or at the unsteady state after impoundment of reservoir. 滑坡体在饱水及水库蓄水后,将处于临界蠕滑或失稳状态。
- WSA process is imported and unsteady state conversion process is successfully developed, generalized and applied. 成功开发非稳态转化制酸工艺,并得到推广应用。
- The paper obtained the calculation method to solve unsteady state flow problem and compared the resu... 本文根据边界元理论推导了油藏井底压力响应的计算方法,并将其计算结果与常规解析方法求解结果相比较。
- With some assumptions,the problem can be predigested to one-dimension unsteady state heat conduction. 在做出一定的假设后,问题可简化为一维非稳态导热。
- The unsteady state activated sludge treatment system is studied as a research objective for optimal control in the paper. 本文以非稳定状态下的活性污泥法处理系统,作为最优控制的研究对象。
- A liquid paraffin as oil phase was added to penicillin fermentation process to increase medium oxygen transfer. 以一种液态烷烃为油相,将其引入青霉素发酵过程以提高氧的传递。
- Based on advancing front model, a mass transference model of unsteady state for extraction of PG by the emulsion liquid membrane was developed. 在“渐进前沿模型”的基础上,建立并推导了乳状液膜法提取青霉素的非稳态传质数学模型。
- To improve oxygen transfer rate, fine-pore diffusers have been wildly applied in aeration practice. 此一现象将大大减低曝气盘的效果与使用寿命。
- Based on which,the effect of air flow,solid content and aerator on oxygen transfer characteristics is studied. 在此基础上考察了空气流量、固含率、曝气装置对该反应器氧传递特性的影响。
- The results show that the re oxidation temperature of VPO catalyst is very important to n butane selective oxidation to MA operated under unsteady state mode. 在固定床微型反应器中,利用在线质谱动态响应技术,考察了VPO催化剂再氧化温度和不同氧物种对正丁烷选择氧化制顺酐(MA)的影响。
- This paper presents a theoretical model for predicting dynamic surge pressurebased on the theory of fluld mechanics on unsteady state flow while tripping a drillpipe in awellbore. 以流体力学不稳定流动的基本理论为基础,建立了钻井起下钻作业过程中井眼内动态波动压力预测的理论模型。
- In this paper, the rules of oxygen transfer with the immersion depth in operating of rubber film fine bubble aerator are described and also their mechanism was found out. 阐述了橡胶膜曝气器的充氧性能各项指标随水深增加的变化规律,并分析了这种变化的原因。
- The volumetric oxygen transfer coefficients and the fluid cir-culation rates in the draft tube are correlated based on the... 根据实验数据,建立了反应器中的氧传递和提升筒中流体流动的关联式。
- Any of various colored conjugated proteins, such as hemoglobin, that occur in living organisms and function in oxygen transfer in cellular respiration. 呼吸色素:任何一种有色结合蛋白质,例如血色素,产生于活的有机体中,并在细胞呼吸中进行氧的转换
- The experimental results showed that HCR had high oxygen transfer rate, quick start up ability, high sludge loading and great buffering capacity. 试验结果表明,HCR具有充氧效率高、启动速度快、污泥负荷高和抗冲击负荷能力强等特点。
- The results of the theory calculation under the steady and unsteady state made by Harbin Engineering University are given out. The comparison with the test results of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is also presented. 给出了哈工大的定常和非定常状态下的理论计算结果,以及与日本三菱重工的试验值所作的比较;
- This paper introduce an exertion way of mensurate unsteady state, much improvement have be mading in the mensuration of the thermal conductivity for conductor of undesirability with the counter system. 摘要介绍了一种非稳态测量方法的运用,结合计算机系统,使不良导体热导率的测定得到较大的改进。
- After regression,the mathematic relation between oxygen transfer coefficient and up-flow speed of the air in the reactor is clarified. 并对试验数据进行回归,得到了氧传质总系数与螺旋升流反应器内表观气速的数学关系。