- unsymmetrical linear molecule 不对称线式分子
- Motivated on the idea of USSORP method and PCG method, a two-step method for solving an unsymmetrical linear complementarity problem with tridiagonal matrix is proposed. 基于非对称逐次超松弛迭代法和投影共轭梯度迭代法的思想,文中提出了一类求解系数矩阵为三对角非对称M矩阵的线性互补问题的USSORP-PCG算法-两步迭代法。
- The constant-NVT canonical ensemble Monte Carlo method has been used to simulate the phase equilibrium of linear molecule in this text. 本文用恒NVT正则系综Monte Carlo方法模拟线性分子的相平衡特性。
- In the second chapter, FTS, ICLAS-VeCSEL were used to present a systematical investigation on IR spectra of N_2O, C_2H_2, CO_2. First, we briefly introduce the theory of the energy level and the select rules of the linear molecule. 在第二章中,我们使用FTS和ICLAS技术对记录了N_2O、C_2H_2、CO_2等分子及其同位素的吸收光谱。 并解析其谱线位置。
- Detecting a Triatomic Linear Molecule Model 三原子直线分子的测量
- The incomplete orthogonalization methods(IOM(q)), for its less storage and computing cost, have been used for solving large unsymmetric linear systems. 不完全正交化算法 ( IOM( q) )由于存储量和计算量小 ,常用来求解大型非对称线性方程组。
- Keywords Molecular simulation;linear molecule;isothermal isobaric ensemble; 计算机分子模拟;线性分子;等温等压系综;
- Two-step Iterative Method for a Class of Special Unsymmetrical Linear Complementarity Problem 一类特殊的非对称线性互补问题的两步迭代法
- High Performance Sparse Solver for Unsymmetrical Linear Equations With Out-of-Core Strategies and Its Application on Meshless Methods 非对称稀疏线性方程组的快速外存解法及其在无网格法计算中的应用
- sparse unsymmetric linear equation 稀疏非对称线性方程
- A molecule that can combine with others to form a polymer. 单体可以与其他分子结合形成聚合物的分子
- An oxide containing three oxygen atoms per molecule. 三氧化物每个分子中含有三个氧原子的氧化物
- A molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. 水分子含有两个氢原子和一个氧原子。
- Closest to the functional group of atoms in an organic molecule. 阿尔法位的,第一位的在有机分子中离功能原子基团最近的
- A film or layer of a compound one molecule thick. 单分子层一分子厚度化合物的膜或层
- Containing three atoms per molecule. 三原子的三代的每个分子中包含有三个原子的
- A specified arrangement used in ordering. An order need not be linear. 一种在排序中使用的特定排列。排列的次序不必是线性的。
- Glucose has a simple sugar molecule. 葡萄糖含有单糖分子。
- Each sugar molecule has the properties of sugar. 每个糖分子都具有糖的性质。
- The molecule has a zero time-average dipole moment. 分子按时间平均的偶极矩为零。