- unto collecting bank 以代收银行为受贷人
- Presentation, presentment: The collecting bank or the holder of a draft shows and hands over it to the drawee for acceptance or payment. 提示代收行或持票人将汇票出示并提交给受票人,要求承兑或付款的行为叫做提示。
- Ii. The collecting bank will not be liable or responsible for any ensuing delay as a result of an incomplete or incorrect address being provided. 代收银行对因所提供地址不全或有误所造成的任何延误将不承担责任或对其负责。
- The collecting Bank will not be liable or responsible for any ensuing delay as a result of an incomplete/incorrect address Being provided. 代收银行对因所提供地址不全或有误所造成的任何延误,将不承担任何责任。
- Presentment for payment made to the drawee through an authorized collecting bank or at a clearing system is deemed as presentment made by the holder. 通过委托收款银行或者通过票据交换系统向付款人提示付款的,视同持票人提示付款。
- To tender (or surrender) the shipping documents: The collecting bank or the holder of the shipping documents hands over them to the drawee. 交单代收行或持票把装船单据提交给受票人叫做交单。
- If bills of lading are used, a full set would normally be required. If any are missing, an explanation should be obtained and the collecting bank must be advised accordingly. 如果使用提单,通常要求全套提单。如果有任何丢失,必须得到解释,并且通知托收行。
- Collecting banks are to advise fate in accordance with the following rules. 代收行应按照下列规则通知托收结果。
- When the collecting bank receives the shipping documents it delivers them to the importer, usually against a “trust receipt” by which the bank retains, in name only, the ownership of the shipment. 当代收行收到装船单据后,它通常以买方出具信托收据为条件把它们供给买方,凭此信托收据银行仅在名义上保留货物的所有权。
- D/A is short for "documents against acceptance," whereby the collecting bank will release the shipping documents to the buyer without any payment but merely against a written promise upon between the seller and the buyer. 是承兑交单的缩写,在此方式下,代收行向买方交付单据不以后者付款为条件,仅以后者的承兑为条件,所谓承兑就是买方所作的在买卖双方同意的某个将来的日子保证支付汇票款项的书面承诺。
- The documents and collection instruction may be sent directly by the remitting Bank to the collecting Bank or through another Bank as intermediary. 单据和托收指示可以由托收行直接或者通过另一银行作为中间银行寄送给代收行。
- The collecting bank must send without delay advice of acceptance to the bank from which the collection instruction was received. 代收行必须无延误地将承兑通知发送向其发出托收指示的银行。
- Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. 你本是尘土就该归於尘土。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- However, the collecting bank must advise without delay the bank from which the collection instruction was received of any such action taken. 但是,代收行必须毫不延误地将其所采取的措施通知向其发出托收指的银行。
- My car's a law unto itself I can't rely on it. 我的汽车自行其是--靠不住了。
- Do unto him as he does unto others. 以其人之道,还治其人之身。
- The Bank of China will also advise the collection bank at your place to that effect. 中国银行亦将此事转告你方托收银行。
- In addition, proposed the establishment of "a collection bank (aggregator bank)" to hold the relevant securities. 问题资产是导致美国银行持续报出巨额亏损的罪魁,上周五,花旗集团和美国银行先后宣布了巨额亏损,进一步突出了问题严重性。
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。