- It is unworthy of being mentioned. 这不值得一提。
- A bad plan unworthy of our consideration. 不值得被我们考虑的一个糟糕的计划
- Such conduct is unworthy of praise. 这样的行为不值得称赞。
- He is unworthy of the title engineer. 他是个名不符实的工程师。
- He is unworthy of acting as your deputy. 他不配当你的代理人。
- He is unworthy of your kindness. 他不配接受你的好意。
- She felt herself unworthy of the praise. 她感到自己不配受到这种表扬。
- There was a happy chime of belief and practice in everything she said. 她所说的每一件事都体现了信仰和行动的完美和谐。
- I felt myself unworthy of the praise. 我认为我自己不值得表扬。
- It is a conception quite unworthy of free men. 这种观念是同自由人格格不入的。
- Such behavior is unworthy of you. 这种行为是你所不应有的。
- Do or say sth that is mean and unworthy of one. 做或说卑鄙无耻的事。
- The idea was unworthy of you beyond description. 你那种想法没出息到家了。
- I know I am unworthy of their efforts. 我心中明白自己不配他们的服务。
- The psychological foundation of belief in spirits. 神灵信仰的心理基础。
- Such opinions are unworthy of educated people. 知识分子发表这样的言论有失身分。
- I am unworthy of such an honour. 我不配获得这样的荣誉.
- It is unworthy of it to be cramped. 真可耻,它竟会抽筋。
- I think this topic unworthy of our disscustion. 我认为这个主题不值得讨论。