- All of us can testify to his good behaviour. 我们都可以证明他表现很好。
- They commended him upon his good manner. 他们称赞他有礼貌。
- They commended him upon his good manner . 他们称赞他有礼貌。
- We have to depend upon his good sense to save us all. 我们还要依靠他的良知来搭救我们大家。
- upon his good behaviouradj. 行为检点(规矩)
- The company distrained upon his goods for rent. 公司扣押他的货物抵偿租金。
- While his father was around the boy was on his good behaviour,but when the father left the boy soon got into mischief. 这个男孩当他父亲在场的时候规规矩矩,但他父亲一离开,他便调皮捣蛋起来。
- While his father was around the boy was on his good behaviour, but when the father left the boy soon got into mischief. 这个男孩当他父亲在场的时候规规矩矩,但他父亲一离开,他便调皮捣蛋起来。
- He tried to exercise an undue influence upon his colleagues. 他想对他的同事施加不适当的影响。
- His good manners bespoke the gentleman. 他的彬彬有礼显示他是个绅士。
- If I repent of anything, it is very likely to be my good behaviour. 如果我后悔什么事情,那很可能是我的良好品行。
- He shut down upon his anger and sat down. 他压住心头的怒火坐了下来。
- He sat there meditating upon his misfortunes. 他坐在那里沉思自己的不幸遭遇。
- Her hand rested lightly upon his shoulder. 她的手轻轻地搭在他的肩膀上。
- His good image has stolen up on my brain. 他的良好形象已渐渐在我头脑中形成。
- A fresh idea flashed upon his mind. 他突然想到一个新主意。
- He takes ground upon his own views. 他坚持自己的意见。
- She's infatuated by his good looks. 她迷恋上他那俊俏的外貌了。
- His actions brought shame upon his parents. 他的行为使他的双亲蒙受耻辱。
- She got six months ' remission for good behaviour . 因表现好她被减刑6个月。