- upper mantle project 上地幔计划
- Scientists call this layer of crust and upper mantle the lithosphere. 科学家称这层地壳和上部地幔为岩石圈。
- The upper mantle shows a superthermal state and turbulent thermal structure. 上地幔具有过热状态和扰动的热结构;
- There is a higher heat production in the upper mantle below oceans than below continents. 大洋下的上地幔要比大陆下的上地幔有较高的热产率。
- The deep fracture within the sag was the path of magma upwelling, invasion, or eruption after partially melting of upper mantle. 凹陷内的深大断裂是上地幔部分熔融后岩浆上涌侵入或喷发的通道。
- Like the core of earth, the mantle can also be divided into two concentric layers, the lower mantle and the upper mantle. 就像地球的核部一样。地幔也可分为两个同心圆圈层,下地幔和上地幔。
- The metallogenic source material comes from the upper mantle and the lower crust. 主要成矿时代为晚石炭世-早二叠世。
- The pseudo-spectrum method is used to simulate the crust effect on the analysis of the upper mantle anisotropy. 摘要应用伪谱法研究了地壳各向异性对上地幔各向异性分析的影响。
- It is postulated that a high conductive body exists in the lower crust or upper mantle. 据此推测在地壳下部或地幔上部存在一高导体。
- The magma originated from the upper mantle and belongs to the tholeiitic series which has undergone immiscible separation of metal sulfide. 岩浆起源于上地幔,属于拉斑玄武岩系列,发生过金属硫化物的熔离作用。
- Pb isotopic data indicate that ore-forming material came from upper mantle or lower crust and went into Archaeozoic crystalline basement 1900Ma ago. 铅同位素表明成矿物质来自上地幔或下地壳,大约在1900Ma从源区分离出来进入太古宙结晶基底。
- The upheaval zone in upper mantle is the primary factor controlling the distribution of gulch-gold mines and lode gold mines. 上地幔隆起区是控制砂金矿和岩金矿面式分布的主要因素。
- The rock is peridotite, which is one of the main rocks in the upper mantle, an area that provides a girth below the Earth's crust. 这种石头是橄榄岩,上地幔(地壳以下环绕地壳一周的区域)的主要组成成分。
- Altun south margin fracture is a regional deep-rooted fracture reaching upper mantle,along which there are plenty of basic-ultrabasic rocks. 阿尔金南缘断裂带是一条深达上地幔的区域性大断裂。
- Conversely,the isotopic characteristics will be well explained by assuming that the UHPM occurred in the crust instead in the upper mantle. 相反,如果认为大别山超高压变质岩就在地壳内形成,则大别山超高压变质岩同位素的所有特征就很好解释了。
- In the depth, the rheosphere is some shallower and leithosphere is thiner than other regions, where thermal material from upper mantle gushed up and caused Mohole uplifting. 在深部软流圈埋深变浅,岩石圈减薄、上地慢热物质上涌引起莫霍面上隆;
- The magnetotelluric (MT) method provides images of the electrical resistivity of the crust and upper mantle from surface measurements of natural electric and magnetic fields. 大地电磁法通过测量地表的天然电场和磁场来提供地壳和上地幔的电阻率图像。
- Deep source gas refers to inorganic genetic gas or abiogenic gas which comes from deep crust or upper mantle, and has apparent geology and geochemistry characteristics. 深源气是指来自地壳深部或上地幔的无机成因天然气或称非生物成因天然气,它具有明显的地质地球化学特征。
- The NWW-sense compression deriving from subconvection of the upper mantle under the above Marginal Sea area makes the Tanlu fault zone slip compressionally and dextrally. 晚新生代以来,西太平洋俯冲带后退,上地慢上涌力作用已退到边缘海地区,郯庐断裂带全段受到边缘海地区上地慢上涌力诱发的次级挤压作用力,形成了右旋挤压活动。
- Detailed study of the metamorphic mylonite of the Yangkou UHP shear complex has revealed that the deformation proceeded at ca. 800 C and >24 kb in the upper mantle depth. 项目深入研究了仰口超高压韧性剪切混杂岩的变形温度和压力在大约800 C,大于24千巴,确定了其超高压变形的性质。