- Coccolith Evidence of Upper Ocean Water Variations for Past 1.53 Ma in Western Pacific Warm Pool 暖池区1.;53Ma以来上层海水变化的颗石藻证据
- upper ocean water 上层海水
- Ocean water is so saline that you cannot drink it. 海水太咸而不能饮用。
- Lake or ocean water should not be used clean. 湖水和海水是不能用于伤口清理的。
- As more water is exposed, the upper ocean absorbs more sunshine, speeding up the decline. 当更多的水暴露,海洋上部会吸收更多的日光,加速冰层的衰退。
- The deep-sea fish is in his element in deep ocean water. 深海中的鱼只能在大洋中生存。
- The deep-sea fish is in their element in deep ocean water. 深海鱼类适宜在深海水中生活。
- The deep sea fish is in his element in deep ocean water. 深水中的鱼只能在大洋中生存。
- These toxic blooms result from changes in the ocean water. 这些有毒的菌绒由于海水的变化而产生。
- The ocean water was clear all the way to the bottom. 海水从上面一直到海底都是清澈的
- The steady flow of ocean water in a prevailing direction. 朝一定方向运动的稳定的海水流。
- The ocean water was the clearest and warmest they had ever swum in. 那儿的海水是他们所游过的最清澈、最暖和的海水;
- In each of the three major topics involved in the dynamics of the upper ocean this process can be followed. 上面谈到了涉及上层海洋动力学的三个主要方面,我们可以就这三个方面来回顾一下本学科的发展过程。
- Poisonous organisms in ocean water are another danger. 海水里有毒的有机体是另一个危险。
- A proper understanding of the behaviour of the upper ocean is at the heart of these major questions, which is the main point of this paper. 正确理解海洋上层的运动特征是这些重大问题的关键。这是本文重点。
- Sail and windsurf on the blue ocean waters. 蓝蓝的海水上航行,风帆冲浪。
- Levitus S, Boyer T P and Antonov J. World Ocean Atlas. Vol.5: Interannual Variability of Upper Ocean Thermal Structure[M]. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 5, 1994. 乔方利;于卫东.;厄尔尼诺信号循环回路及其传播特性研究[J]
- The relative importance of the two forcing factors in generating the upper ocean variabilities of the sea surface temperature (SST) and the thermocline depth was examined. 通过3组试验模拟的上层海洋变率状况的比较;分析了动量和热量通量异常对热带印度洋SST变率的影响;并比较了其影响的相对重要性.
- Jerry Tessendorf. Simulating Ocean Water [Z]. 2001 SIGGRAPH Course Notes. 孙大鹏;李玉成.;一种新的波浪变形三维数值模式--0-1混合型边界元[J]
- In addit ion,the interannual variation of the sea surface height is dynamically coherent with that of the upper ocean heat content and the themocline displacement. 另外,分析结果也表明,海表面高度异常和上层海洋热容量异常以及温跃层变化具有动力上的一致性。