- upper zone vessel dilatation 肺上野血管扩张
- upper zone vessel dilation 上带血管扩张
- The research shows that bamboo leave flavone has role on fat resistance, blood vessel dilatation and myocardial infarction resistance. 研究表明,竹叶黄酮有抗脂质过氧化、扩张冠脉血管和对抗心肌梗塞等作用。
- The article corrected the inexactitude conceptions of gravitational shock, swoon by low blood pressure when standing and swoon by blood vessel dilatation. 该文对“重力性休克”、“直立位低血压性晕厥”、“血管扩张性晕厥”这三个欠严谨的概念进行了必要的修正。
- The olivine grains in the troctolite of the Upper Zone are rather short and thick. 上岩带橄长岩中的橄榄石颗粒相当短粗。
- Microperthite is known to occur in the uppermost 1, 000 feet of the Upper Zone, but the amount is small. 微条纹长石见于上岩带顶部的1000尺范围内,但含量不多。
- Microperthite is known to occur in the uppermost 1,000 feet of the Upper Zone, but the amount is small. 微条纹长石见于上岩带顶部的1000尺范围内,但含量不多。
- The Mei Lufeng that this Xingeerman's couple selects bouncing site in altitude of Indian upper zone 6604 meters. 这次辛格尔曼夫妇把跳跃地点选在印度北部地区海拔6604米的梅鲁峰。
- If both lines have topped in the upper zone (above 80% mark) and then the indicator returned to the middle zone, the rate would move in the same direction. 如果所有的线都有最高的地区的最高值(高于80%25),指标回到中间的地区,那么汇率也会跟着向同一个方向移动。
- The euphotic is the brightly lit upper zone where drifting phytoplankton carry out photosynthesis and are responsible for about 40% of the world's photosyn-thetic activity. 适于绿色植物生长之海水最上层是较上面地带,漂流的浮游植物在此处进行光合作用,而负责大约全世界40%25光合活动,营养物质的含量水准低。
- The results show that the district with higher frequency of hail disaster is basically matched with upper zone and western part of flatland and also the complex mountainous area in this region. 结果显示:受灾频率较大的地区基本与本区的坝头地带、坝上西部及复杂山地配合;
- Stimulation that is caused by forskolin supposedly leads to blood vessel dilation, inhibition of allergic reactions, and possibly an increased secretion of thyroid hormone. 通过弗斯可林的作用可以降低血压,抑制过敏性反应,以及能够促进甲状腺素的分泌。
- As results, bio-availability of the endothelium-derived vessel dilator (EDVD), NO, dips down, flow resistance goes up, making the ROS generation easier. 其结果红细胞的工作频率进一步提高,血管舒张因子(NO)生物可用性下降、血流阻力进一步增加;
- These treatments were developed based on the mistaken idea that blood vessel dilation caused the pain and thus constriction was necessary to alleviate it. 这些药物的开发是依据错误的概念,以为偏头痛是血管舒张所造成,收缩血管即可缓解疼痛。
- Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid. 眼泪由上眼睑下面的器官分泌。
- Controlled by structure, facies and well pattern, high oil saturation is found near faults, the top of micro-structures, upper zones where sandstone edges away and the low permeability section. 受构造、储层物性及井网因素控制,未淹、弱水淹剩余油平面上主要分布在断层附近、断层破碎带、微构造高点和砂体上倾尖灭区等部位;
- I'd like a room on the upper level. 我想要楼上的房间。
- The upper edge of the side of a vessel. 舷缘船只侧面的上部边缘
- The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。
- My hometown is in the upper reaches of the river. 我的家乡在这条河的上游地区。