- urban and regional form 城市区域空间形式
- The Urban and Regional Services Departments provide refuse collection services and maintain environmental hygiene. 市政总署和区域市政总署负责提供收集垃圾的服务、并保持环境卫生。
- The two councils manage 16 public swimming pool complexes in each of the urban and regional areas. 由临时市政局和临时区域市政局管理的公众游泳池场馆,有16个位于临时市政局辖区内,另有16个位于临时区域市政局辖区内。
- Public discussion so far has concentrated on the reorganisation of the Urban and Regional Services Departments. 至目前为止,市民讨论的焦点都是有关重组市政总署和区域市政总署。
- The Provisional Urban and Regional Councils run 17 major arts venues at various accessible locations throughout Hong Kong. 临时市政局及临时区域市政局辖下共设有17个大型文化场地,遍布全港各地,以便市民观赏各类文化表演。
- The theory of urban ecology has been tried to make combined urban and regional space programme with great progress. 然而,由于环境污染的综合性和复杂性,在空间规划中仍存在着工业企业、居住、文化等用地与生态目标的冲突。
- Both the Urban and Regional Councils have played an important role in encouraging the community's participation in the running of Hong Kong. 香港市政局和区域市政局过往积极推动公众参与社区管理事务,发挥了重要功能。
- Both the Urban and Regional Councils have played an important role in encouraging the community s participation in the running of Hong Kong. 市政局和区域市政局过往积极推动公众叁与社区管理事务,发挥了重要功能。
- The Provisional Urban and Regional Councils develop and manage facilities which include sports grounds,playgrounds,indoor games halls,holiday camps,swimming pools and beaches. 临时市政局和临时区域市政局负责辟设和管理运动场、游乐场、室内运动场、度假营、游泳池和泳滩等设施。
- The Provisional Urban and Regional Councils develop and manage facilities which include sports grounds, playgrounds, indoor games halls, holiday camps, swimming pools and beaches. 临时市政局和临时区域市政局负责辟设和管理运动场、游乐场、室内运动场、度假营、游泳池和泳滩等设施。
- Klaus R.Kunzmann has been responsible for numerous research projects on innovative urban and regional development, on regional restructuring and on planning education. 他主要从事新型城市、区域规划、区域重建及规划教育方面的工作。
- The responsibilities for food safety and environmental hygiene currently under the purview of the Urban and Regional Services Departments, the Department of Health and the Agriculture and Fisheries Department will be assumed by the new Department. 目前由市政总署、区域市政总署、卫生署和渔农处负责的食物安全和环境卫生事宜,都会拨归这个新部门处理。
- The responsibilities for food safety and environmental hygiene currently under the purview of the Urban and Regional Services Departments,the Department of Health and the Agriculture and Fisheries Department will be assumed by the new Department. 目前由市政总署、区域市政总署、卫生署和渔农处负责的食物安全和环境卫生事宜,都会拨归这个新部门处理。
- Hong Kong residents have access to a wide range of leisure activities,many of which are provided by the Urban and Regional Councils (retitled the Provisional Urban and Regional Councils on July 1). 本港市民可参与各式各样的消闲活动,其中不少是由临时市政局和临时区域市政局提供。
- He holds the degrees of Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning and Master of Science in Transportation from MIT, and Master of Urban Planning &Design and Bachelor of Architecture from Tsinghua University, Beijing. 他在麻省理工学院取得城市与区域规划博士和交通学硕士学位,在清华大学取得城市规划设计硕士和建筑学学士学位。
- Hong Kong residents have access to a wide range of leisure activities, many of which are provided by the Urban and Regional Councils (retitled the Provisional Urban and Regional Councils on July 1). 本港市民可参与各式各样的消闲活动,其中不少是由临时市政局和临时区域市政局提供。
- Promote the three, namely: the promotion of rural economic restructuring, the process of urbanization and regional economic development. 三大促进,即:促进了农村经济结构调整、城市化进程和区域经济的发展。
- Combine the strengths of urban and rural life. 结合都市农村生活的优点。
- City and Regional Planning M.C.R.P. 城市与地区计划。
- Handle urban and rural individual saving deposits. 办理城乡居民个人储蓄存款。