- Scientific Meaning of Urban Design Guideline 城市设计导则的科学意义
- The second panel looked at the Metroplan Harbour Planning and Urban Design Guidelines. 第二个小组讨论都会及海港规划。
- The Government will carefully consider these views and formulate urban design guidelines. 政府正仔细考虑各方面的意见,拟定城市设计指引。
- In general, the urban design guidelines specify that the building heights will decrease from south to north towards the Harbour. 一般来说,根据城市设计指引,楼宇高度会由南至北朝海港方向渐次递减。
- Design Guidelines is the most important urban design means of control, it is for the implementation of urban design and the establishment of a technical control framework. 城市设计导则是为城市设计最重要的控制手段,它是为城市设计的实施而建立的一种技术性控制框架。
- By the light of the specific theory of urban design case, the paper attempts to show how to construct a more reasonable, more effective urban design guidelines that will provide enlightening results. 通过理论结合具体的城市设计案例,论文试图为如何建构更为合理,更具有效力的城市设计导则提供一点启发性的成果。
- urban design guideline 城市设计导则
- This is probably the most important interaction design guideline. 这基本上是最重要的交互设计指导准则。
- A New theory of urban design II. 城市设计新理论2。
- Urban Design on the Edge of Place Making. 地方发展的边缘上的城市设计。
- Then, the design guideline of the Sierpinski is proposed and applied. 最后,提出了该碎形结构之设计准则并将其应用于滤波器之设计。
- Enhancing the townscape with attractive landscape and urban design. 以具吸引力的园林景观和市区设计,美化市容。
- This is an excellent introductory urban design studio. 这是在引导式的都市设计专题里极佳的一个案例。
- The object of the study is urban space, so the study discussed the control objectives of design guideline, and the different way of control for different elements were summarized and collate. 针对空间形态这一操作客体,对于城市设计导则的控制目标进行了深入的探讨,并对设计导则针对不同空间要素的具体的控制方式进行了归纳性的研究和整理。
- A design guideline is also proposed for this method based on the error analysis. 同时我们也根据误差分析提出了一个设计指南。
- Describes asynchronous programming design guidelines. 描述异步编程设计准则。
- Imagery and Habitability in Urban Design:Can these Two Functions be Reconciled? 城市设计中的可居住性与城市形象:两者能否协调?
- A bold urban design framework is essential to guide new development. 一个大胆的城市设计框架对指导新开发来说非常重要。
- Imagery and Habitability in Urban Design: Can these Two Functions be Reconciled? 城市设计中的形象性与适居性可以兼顾吗?
- According to the OSS/J design guideline, the HYOSS'business logic is encapsulated in the EJB components, these components support coarse interfaces for business logic, it's a good implementation for the component -oriented idea of NGOSS. 根据OSS/J的设计指导规范,HYOSS系统中的业务逻辑封装在EJB组件中,这些组件提供了面向业务逻辑的粗粒度接口,符合NGOSS面向组件的分布式思想。