- The public transit network reasonable planning was an important part in the urban transit planning,and it had much significance to resolve the existence transit problems. 公交线网的合理规划是城市公共交通规划的重要部分,对于解决普遍存在的公共交通问题具有非常重要的意义。
- urban transit planning 交通规划
- Urban transit system is the important part of the urban transportation. 城市公交系统是城市交通运输系统的重要组成部分。
- It also investigate strategies of building efficient modern tramway and the role of the modern tramway in the urban transit and urban construction. 现代有轨电车应成为中等城市的主要公共交通工具,也应作为大城市中大运量交通工具的辅助,应该在我国推广。
- While the price rise infuriated car drivers, many transportation experts feel it has turned attention to America's meagre urban transit systems. 尽管油价上涨令汽车司机们感到恼火,但许多交通专家认为,这将人们的注意力转移到了美国不景气的城市运输系统上。
- A Study of Urban Rail Transit Planning 城市轨道交通路网的规划研究
- American Public Transit Association, Transit Fact Books and Canadian Urban Transit Association. 美国公交协会,公交统计和加拿大城市公交协会。
- It also investigate strategies of building efficient modem tramway and the role of the modem tramway in the urban transit and urban construction. 现代有轨电车应成为中等城市的主要公共交通工具,也应用为大城市中大运量交通工具的辅助,应该在我国推广。
- Then, the paper describes the ways to utilize GIS data to create transit network to provide interfaces for transit planning, and to display an effective transit system. 之后对GIS数据形成公交网络、GIS为公交规划功能提供的接口,以及利用GIS实现有效的公交系统图形显示进行了描述。
- A multi-tier, object-oriented data model is developed in response to complex requirements of urban transit system. 摘要基于面向对象的建模工具,设计了满足复杂环境需求的多层次公交数据模型。
- However, unlike many urban transit systems, hand straps are not to be found on BART. 此外,非标准轨亦使订购新列车的价格上升,主要原因是列车须特别订造,而不能按照标准轨而建造。
- Based on the development of tramway abroad, it specifies the disavdvantage of the model of urban transit which is led by my car. 从国外有轨道电车的发展脉络出发,阐述了以家用汽车为主导的城市交通模式的弊端;探索了建设高效率的现代有轨电车的措施以及现代有轨电车在城市交通和城市建设中的地位和作用。
- Application of this method in the public transit planning of Anqing city has indicated that the predicting model is a practical way with high precision and computing speed, especially with high randomness. 该方法预测精度高、计算速度快、使用方便,特别适用于随机性强的城市公交线网日客流预测,并已在安庆市公共交通规划中得到应用,证明是较为实用的方法。
- The competent departments shall report the names of the tunnels, subways and urban transit stations and lines to the Municipal Place-name Office. 隧道,地下铁道和其他城市轨道交通的站、线名称,由主管部门向市地名办申报。
- Medium and low speed maglev traffic are the ideal mode for urban transit in comparison with other relevant urban rail transit modes. 通过与其他城市轨道交通方式的比较,指出中低速磁悬浮交通是一种理想的城市交通方式。
- Finally, whole functions of GIS-baaed transit planning software are proposed with an example. which has realized the integration of GIS to design framework of efficient transit planning software. 最后提出了基于GIS的公交规划软件的总体功能,给出了软件开发实例。
- To meet our fast growing railway and urban transit, material handling and metals industry business, we are inviting high caliber professionals to join our Beijing office. 基腾科技有限公司北京联絡处是一家总部在香港的科技贸易公司,因业务发展需要,现诚聘以下人员
- The difficulty in making profit from urban rail transit construction is a world problem, because the imbalance of cost and income has obstructed the development of urban transit. 摘要城市轨道交通建设盈利难是世界性难题。成本和收益的不平衡严重阻碍了城市轨道交通的发展。
- Bill Becker says that can happen if the transition planning starts earlier, even before the election. 认为如果过渡计划做的比较早的话,这是可行的,甚至可以在大选之前进行。
- Urban transit lines in Paris, London, Vancouver, Lyon, and Lille, among others, are operating with completely automated, driverless vehicles; some have been doing so for more than a decade. 不少城市公交线路,如巴黎、伦敦、温哥华、里昂和里尔等,都是由全自动控制的无人驾驶车辆运行的,有些已运行了十多年。