- Urban water environment (UWE) consists of zoology of urban water system, water use circulation and rainwater hydrologic cycle. 水环境的劣化是由于城市排水的污染和雨水水文循环途径的破坏所致。
- As a result, the connection between scenery lakes and urban water system has been greatly impacted, the ecological environment has worsened rapidly too. 风景湖泊的山水地貌受到严重破坏,空间格局被打破,景观质量不断下降;
- The silting of sediment has made urban water systems loses its intrinsic functions. 随着城市的发展.城市河湖中底泥淤积问题正逐渐导致城市河湖丧失其原有的功能。
- The workmen fixed the water system. 工人们装好了供水系统。
- Study on Gate Control of Urban Water System 城市水系闸门调控技术研究及应用
- Several important issues on the planning and design of shore protection for urban water system 城市水系护岸规划设计中应注意的几个问题
- Application of Life Cycle Cost Analysis in Urban Water System 生命周期成本分析在城市水利系统中的应用
- Fight the mounting threat of urban water pollution. 应对日益严重的城市水污染的威胁。
- There has been serious problem in the water system. 供水系统一直存在严重问题。
- The drinking water system at bathrooms; s. 客房卫生间有饮用水系统;
- This will create a closed water system. 这将产生一个封闭的水系统。
- Study on Optimal Location of Flow Measurement Station in Urban Water System 城市供水管网流量监测点优化选址的研究
- sustainable urban water system 可持续城市水系统
- This paper presents a decision support system for urban water resources management and planning,which is a conjunctive application of ASP. 传统的城市水资源管理系统大都是基于关系型数据库的,缺少基本的地理信息和空间分析与表达功能。
- How to choose the best suitable high pressure jet water system? 如何选用最合适的高压水清洗系统?
- Fresh water system of auxiliary engine is a separate system. 辅柴油机淡水自成系统。
- Our city water systems pump water into high tanks. 我市各供水系统都把水打送到高位罐中去。
- The RF smart card meters can be widely used in various urban water supply system,will further promote the use of industrial liquids flow metering ... 该射频卡智能水表可广泛应用于各城市供水系统,并可作进一步推广应用到工业用液体如石油,化工等流量计量计费系统。
- Several Design Underetandings of Circulation Cooling Water System. 循环冷却水系统设计的几点体会。
- Urban water conservation programs must adapt to local circumstances. 城市节水计划必须适合当地条件。