- urea complex process 尿素配位法
- There is no complex process in the presence of us. 就不会有这么复杂的过程。
- Setting availability goals is a complex process. 设定可用性目标是一个复杂的过程。
- AS is a chronic and complex process. AS是一个缓慢而复杂的病理过程。
- Sizing large-scale Domino environments can be a complex process. 调整大规模Domino环境是一个复杂的过程。
- XML Schema validation is a relatively complex process. XML Schema验证是一个比较复杂的过程。
- Studying is a complex process that requires concentration . 学习是需要注意力集中的复杂过程。
- Manufacture of artificial hearts is a complex process. 制造人造心脏是一个复杂的过程。
- Estimating the cost of oil is quite a complex process. 估算油的价格是一个相当复杂的过程。
- The calculate for multi-components liquid mixtures is a complex process. 多组分液体混合物计算是个复杂过程。
- Imperial Smelting Furnace (ISF) smelting process is a quite complex process. 密闭鼓风炉的熔炼过程极其复杂,工艺结构庞大。
- It is a long and complex process for Lamaism to take the place of Samanism. 藏传佛教替代萨满教,是一个相当复杂而又漫长的过程。
- Study on process of producing heavy liquid paraffin by urea complex 尿素络合法生产重质液体石蜡的工艺研究
- These raw tea leaves can be sold only after complex processing. 这些毛茶要经过复杂的工序加工后才能出售。
- In more complex cases, constructing a correct restore sequence can be a complex process. 在更复杂的情况下,构造一个正确的还原顺序可能是个复杂的过程。
- Projecting the "image" of an institution with as wide a range of service as a bank is a complex process. 把银行的“形象”扩大到与银行的服务范围一样是一项复杂的工作。
- Marshaling an array is a more complex process than marshaling an integer parameter. 封送数组是比封送整数参数更复杂的过程。
- Many complex processes unfortunately,do not yield to this design procedure. 不幸的是,许多复杂的处理器并不符合这个设计过程。
- Refining petroleum is a very complex process and needed lots of facilities and operations. 石油的提炼是一个非常复杂的过程,需要用大量设备和工艺。
- The Role of Membrane Fluidity in Complex Processes under High Pressure. 高压下,综合加工中膜流变性的作用。