- Please send documents to us direct and we will remit. 请将单据直接寄来,货款由我方汇去。
- Dan Johnson teaches us directional technique. 丹·约翰逊先生教我们定向技术。
- If your firing program is missing, please inform your manufacturer or contact us direct. 如果您缺少焙烧程序,请您提醒您的生产厂家或和我们联系。
- We need someone to give us directions to the train station. 我们需要有人指引我们去火车站的方向。
- Total US direct investment in Hong Kong is around US$13.8 billion,your third largest investment in the Asia Pacific region after Japan and Australia. 美国在香港的直接投资总额约达一百三十八亿美元,仅次于日本和澳洲,是美国在亚太区的第三大投资。
- Mainly based on data from BEA of US Department of Commerce, the paper analyzes the present situation and restricting factors of US direct investment in China. 摘要以美国商务部经济分析局发布的相关数据为基础,对美国在华直接投资现状、制约因素进行了分析。
- Total US direct investment in Hong Kong is around US$13.8 billion, your third largest investment in the Asia Pacific region after Japan and Australia. 美国在香港的直接投资总额约达一百三十八亿美元,仅次於日本和澳洲,是美国在亚太区的第三大投资。
- Kahana, the University of Pennsylvania professor, “is that it gives us direct biological evidence of what before was almost entirely theoretical. 对于大脑而言,记忆更像干活(至少就目前来说是这样,比如此项研究仅仅是关于遥远的记忆)。
- We only found your house thanks to a policeman who gave us directions. 多亏一位警察给我们指了方向,我们才找到了你的家。
- Please make your orders at least 2 days in advance to guarantee the availability and freshness of flowers. Urgent delivery please call us direct at 2151 1100. 请于送货之前两天订购,以确保我们能为阁下提供最新鲜的花材。如须即日或翌日送货,请致电21511100与我们联络,谢谢!
- The period of overmatch is called in this, competition is the requirement to the times not only, it is the challenge to human nature more, make us direct face the period of this competition! 在这个呼唤强者的时代,竞争不仅是对时代的要求,更是对人性的挑战,让我们直接面对这个竞争的时代吧!
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- Could you give us directions on how to get to your office from the nearest highway exit? 您能告诉我们,怎样从最近的出口到您的办公室?
- When ordering, please indicate us Type, Resistance, Tolerance, Voltage Ratio and Package etc, you request. For custom design, please contact us directed. 订购时,请指明产品型号、阻值、精度、分压比例、封装方式等信息;如有特殊要求请与我们联系。
- Will you partake of a drink with us? 和我们一同喝一杯好吗?
- He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us. 他剪下一串葡萄招待我们。
- It irks us to wait for people who are late. 等候迟到的人使我们厌烦。
- She made us all laugh with her zany tricks. 她那些滑稽的恶作剧逗得我们都大笑起来。
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。
- But the servant said in answer, I have here a fourth part of a shekel of silver: I will give that to the man of God, and he will give us directions about our way. 仆人回答扫罗说:我手里有银子一舍客勒的四分之一,可以送那神人,请他指示我们当走的路。