- While multiple Undo is certainly a very useful mechanism, there’s no reason not to finish the job and use our ample computing resources to allow users to Undo just the undesirable actions, instead of everything that has happened since them. 尽管多次撤销显然是很好的,但也没有理由放着充裕的计算机处理能力不用,而让使用者撤销并不想撤销的操作,最后还是撤销了之前全部所有操作。
- A water wheel, turned by water flowing over a weir, furnishes a good example of potential energy being turned into useful mechanical energy. 由流水过坝转动的水轮提供一个说明位能正在转变成有用的机械能的例子。
- For any given portion of air, the greater expansion ratio allows more energy to be converted from heat to useful mechanical energy meaning the engine is more efficient. 对于任何给定的空气部分,更强大的扩展比允许更多的精力从热量转换为有用的机械能,这意味着发动机效率更高。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- The soldier told us where the firing mechanism of a rifle is. 那个士兵告诉我们哪儿是步枪的击发装置。
- Will you partake of a drink with us? 和我们一同喝一杯好吗?
- He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us. 他剪下一串葡萄招待我们。
- It irks us to wait for people who are late. 等候迟到的人使我们厌烦。
- She made us all laugh with her zany tricks. 她那些滑稽的恶作剧逗得我们都大笑起来。
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。
- Kindly send us two samples of each class quote for. 报价时,请对每一个等级的各寄两个样品。
- One of the fishing boats sank down astern of us. 有一艘渔船在我们后面沉没了。
- Each of the components is useful in its degree. 每一个元件都各有程度不同的用处。
- His years of study were useful in his job. 他多年的学习有助于他的工作。
- A part of this urgent task was allotted to us. 这项紧急任务的一部分分给了我们。
- She offered to help us of her own volition. 她自愿提出要帮助我们。
- It disheartened all of us that she had been dismissed. 她被解雇了,这使我们大家都很沮丧。
- It took us an entire week to finish painting the home. 它花去了我们整整一星期的时间才把房子粉刷好。
- Let us hope that the period of this injustice will be over soon. 让我们希望这个不公正的时期很快结束吧。
- He piloted us through the large factory. 他领我们参观了这个大工厂。