- Discussion on Firewall Based on User Data Packet 基于用户数据包的防火墙技术的探讨
- user data packet 用户数据包
- Data packet transmission over a wireless network. 透过无线网路传送数据。
- Has no system data access or user data access. 没有系统数据访问或用户数据访问。
- Number of bytes to be reserved for user data. 为用户数据保留的字节数。
- The method or function does not access user data. 该方法或函数不访问用户数据。
- The data packet with the marshalled parameter data is incorrect. 带有经过整理的参数数据的数据包不正确。
- Because networking logging occurs at the Winsock layer, the information only contains network packet information so no sensitive user data could be obtained. 由于网络日志记录发生在Winsock层,因此该信息仅包含网络数据包信息,不会从中获得任何敏感的用户数据。
- No individual relay ever knows the complete path that a data packet has taken. 没有一台单独的中继会知道数据包的完整路径。
- This port is labeled user data on the rear panel of the unit. 在部件板后面的这个端口被标上UserData。
- Number of data packet writes that have occurred over this connection. 此连接中已发生的写数据包次数。
- That is typical usage for an application, but not for user data. 那是程序的典型用法,但是对于用户数据来说不是这样的。
- Be wary of late binding to a name that includes some user data. 在后期绑定到包含某些用户数据的名称时要多加小心。
- These data sets are usually used to store user data. 通常用来存储用户数据。
- Is the name of the profile you want to copy user data from. 是您要从中复制用户数据的配置文件的名称。
- They also catch malicious code masquerading as user data. 它们也捕捉伪装成用户数据 的恶意代码。
- If it is set to promiscuous mode, network interface controller (NIC) can incept all data packet to monitor. 只要把网络接口控制器(nic)设置为混杂模式,网卡就能接收到每一个数据包,实现监听。
- The IDS uses a stateless server, which examines each data packet both going in and out of the firewall individually, unrelated to any previous request. 该入侵检测系统使用无状态记录的服务器,单独检验每一个进出防火墙的数据包,而与先前的请求无关。
- A data packet which has exceeded its maximum predefined node visit count or time in the network. 一种数据分组,在网络中超出了其预先设定的最大节点访问数或时间。
- The result shows that EPP can transport WAN data packet to PC in the rate of 2Mbps. 结果证明,所设计的EPP接口方案可以完整可靠地将最高速率达2Mbps的广域网络数据包传送到PC。