- The ability to perform a task in Report Manager depends on user role assignments. 在报表管理器中可以执行的任务取决于用户的角色分配。
- Each user who requires access to a report server must have at least one item-level role assignment. 需要访问报表服务器的每个用户都必须至少拥有一个项目级角色分配。
- To navigate a report using an ad hoc navigation path, a user must have an item role assignment that allows for viewing models. 若要使用即席导航路径导航报表,用户必须具有用于查看模型的项角色分配。
- If you are editing a role assignment, the group or user account name appears as hyperlink in the permissions properties page of the item. 如果您正在编辑角色分配,则组名或用户帐户名将在该项的权限属性页中显示为超链接。
- The current item is always included in the role assignment. 角色分配中始终包含当前项。
- You can specify role assignment on all or part of a report model. 您可为整个或部分报表模型指定角色分配。
- In Reporting Services, a role assignment is a security policy that determines whether a user or group can access a specific item and perform an operation. 在Reporting Services中,角色分配是一种安全策略,它决定了用户或组是否能访问特定的项以及执行某个操作。
- Everett and Borgatti introduced role assignments. Everett和Borgatti引入了k-角色分配的概念。
- How you work with a schedule depends on tasks that are part of your role assignment. 您对计划的处理权限取决于您的角色分配中的任务。
- You cannot delete a role assignment if it is the only one left (each item must have a minimum of one role assignment). 您不能删除剩余的最后一个角色分配(每个项必须至少要有一个角色分配)。
- The code returns false if you are in the standard user role, even if you are in the Built-in Administrators group. 如果您拥有标准用户角色,即使您属于内置管理员组,代码也会返回false。
- The following code example specifies an array of strings that represent an administrator role and a user role. 下面的代码示例指定表示一个管理员角色和一个用户角色的字符串数组。
- All parts of the folder hierarchy must be secured by at least one role assignment. 文件夹层次结构的所有部分都必须至少由一个角色分配进行保护。
- Lists the groups and users that are part of an existing role assignment for the current item. 列出属于当前项的现有角色分配的组和用户。
- You ll map these activities to appropriate tools, or combination of tools, employed by each user role in this iterative process. 还将把这些活动映射到每个用户角色在迭代过程中使用的适当工具或工具组合。
- Access control for user roles based on taxonomy categories (vocabulary, terms). 管理用户对不同类别文章的访问权限。
- You also cannot delete a role definition if it is part of the sole role assignment that provides security for a report server. 如果某个角色定义是为报表服务器提供安全性的唯一角色分配的一部分,则也不能删除该角色定义。
- In a sample configuration, Bob has the User role on the My Portal label, and he is also a member of the Administrators user group. 在一个示例配置中,Bob具有My Portal标签的User角色,同时,他还是Administrators用户组的成员。
- A role definition can be included in multiple role assignments. 一个角色定义可以包含在多个角色分配中。
- This system can satisfy on the changes of user role and business flow, at the same time, unifies the both changes without any restrictions. 该系统能够满足在用户角色变化和业务流程变化的同时将两者有机地统一起来达到互不制约。