- usufruct of collective land for construction 集体建设用地使用权
- usufruct of collective land 集体土地使用权
- The usufruct of collective construction land 集体建设用地使用权
- It regulates first will body of exercising this right and perfects the system of collective land ownership. 第一次规定了该权利行使的意思机关,完善了集体土地所有权制度。
- Town Planning area of collective land to be requisitioned in accordance with the law after the state-owned land, land use rights can be sold. 城市规划区内的集体土地须经依法征用转为国有土地后,土地使用权才能出让。
- Collective land ownership and access piece more trenchant have land of collective farmland, collective moorland, collective leisure. 集体土地所有权和使用权条块比较分明的有集体耕地、集体荒地、集体空闲地。
- This is a kind of of collective land ownership and use depart special form, it is rural reform and developing are explored benignantly, get extensive.. 这是集体土地所有权与使用权分离的一种非凡形式,是农村改革与发展中的有益探索,受到广泛...
- I must admit I am very fond of collect rare book. 我得承认我很喜欢海内珍本。
- But it is not proper that the draft still regulate three types of collective land ownership and collective economy organization as delegate of this right, without designing supervising organization. 但草案仍然沿用现行法规定集体土地的三种所有权类型、规定集体经济组织为集体土地所有权行使的代表、不规定权利行使的监督组织,是不妥当的。
- Article 32 The obligee of collective land owned by peasants shall apply for initial registration of the collective land ownership upon the strength of the certification on collective land ownership. 第三十二条农民集体土地所有权人应当持集体土地所有权证明材料,申请集体土地所有权初始登记。
- Its performance is unsealing houses in cities and the expropriation of collective lands in country. 行政征用主要表现为城市房屋拆迁和农村集体土地的征用,涉及人民群众的切身利益。
- farmers' community of collective land 集体土地农民共有制
- A degree of collective immunity may be observed. 可见到一定程度的群体免疫力。
- Then we took the road of collective prosperity. 之后,我们就走上了共同富裕的道路。
- In a system of collective bargaining, the workers as a group negotiate with the managers of the company. 在劳资集体谈判制度下,工人作为一个团体同公司经理进行谈判。
- We reject the form of collective hysteria. 我们抵制集体的疯狂亢奋歇斯底里!
- In July 1974, the Cameroonian government issued its land reform decree, aiming to reform the usufruct of land in Cameroon. 1974年7月,喀麦隆政府颁布了土地改革令,旨在改革土地使用和占有的权限。
- Evolution and Evaluation of Collective Land Tenure System in China 我国集体土地产权制度沿革及其评析
- Study on the Reformation of Collective Land Confiscation 农村集体土地征用制度改革的思考
- The demolition and relocation of the original houses in cities is an administrative collection of its owner's house and usufruct of state land. 城市房屋拆迁是一种对城市房屋所有人的房屋及其国有土地使用权的行政征用行为。