- utterly different relation 全异关系
- We're so utterly different from each other. 我们之间有着天壤之别。
- The two of them have utterly different dispositions. 他们俩的性格迥异。
- They are utterly different but at the same time integrate with and penetrate into one another. 它们既风格迥异又相互交融、渗透,形成多元一体格局。
- Similarly, the two theories, superficially utterly different in content, describe the same universe. 同样的,前述两个理论尽管表面上有着完全不同的内容,却是在描述同一个宇宙。
- And as we clamber back down the hillside, I realise something else: it's been one of the most utterly different experiences of my life. 当我们爬下山坡返回时,我意识到另外一点:这是我一生中最最别致的一种经历。
- She pictured her husband, a man, a strong, masterful, and inconceivably attractive creature, who would bear her away all at once into an utterly different, happy world of his own. 她脑海中想象到一个丈夫,一个强而有力的男人,一个居于高位、具有不可思议的魅力的人士,他忽然把她带进一个完全不同的幸福的世界。
- But Mooney viscosity showed different relation with carbon black content in comparison with apparent shear viscosity. 相对分子质量分布较宽时(BR9002),门尼粘度和表观剪切粘度较低。
- As for the fault deformation,it expressed different features with the different relation between the station and the epicenter. 至于断层形变,则随测点与震中关系的不同表现出不同的特征。
- The average linkage cluster analysis results based on OMPs mobility of 8 strains of Aeromonas were indicated that different relation are in taxonomy among strains. 根据 OMPs条带迁移率 ,通过类平均法对 8株嗜温气单胞菌进行系统聚类分析 ,结果显示了不同菌株间在分类学上的远近
- Human beings look much the same, but we perceive things utterly differently, and we each live in our own unique, separate, individual world. 人的外表看起来相类似,但认知事情的方式则大不相同,也都生活在自己独一、分离的个别世界中。
- They have different relations with the emperor. They restrain each other, collude with each other and use each other. 三层次官与君主有亲疏程度之别 ,而他们始终存在着相互排挤、制约、勾结和利用的关系。
- However, Egypt, America, Israel, and Arab play various roles in different relations. 但在各具体关系中,埃及、美国、以色列、阿拉伯所处的地位和作用不同。
- Try and think of all the different related subjects that might have forums and identify as many as possible. 想尝试各种不同的相关课题研讨会;并找出可能尽可能多.
- She dropped into a chair, utterly worn out. 她一下子坐到椅子里,筋疲力尽了。
- Reading and writing are different skills. 阅读与写作是不同的技能。
- The complex classification of the signs by Pence was rightly based on different relations between signifier and signified by Saussure. 皮尔斯对符号的复杂分类根据的正是索绪尔的能指和所指之间表现出的种种不同关系。
- He spoke his lines utterly dead pan. 他毫无表情地背台词。
- We utterly failed to convince them. 我们根本说服不了他们。
- The results indicate that the different influence factors lead to the different relations between the particle size and distribution and adhesion performance of PS... 实验表明:在不同影响因素下,乳胶粒的粒度与压敏胶粘接性能之间呈现出不同的变化关系。