- This interpretation is utterly wrong. 这种说法,是根本错误的。
- Utterly wrong, counters Mr Parsky. 帕斯基反驳说这种说法完全错误。
- The theory which attempts to deny this fact is utterly wrong. 企图否认阶级斗争存在的理论是完全错误的理论。
- The Rightists say it is hopeless, they are utterly wrong. 右派说没有希望,那是完全错误的。
- I think we can and should say so;to evaluate this policy as "rash advance" is utterly wrong. 我想可以这样说,并且应当这样说的,将这种方针估价为“冒进”的说法是完全错误的。
- It is groundless and utterly wrong to be sceptical about the domestic situation and the future of the four modernizations. 对于国内的形势和四个现代化的前途抱怀疑态度,是完全错误、没有根据的。
- She had made me feel so utterly wrong and of no account that I needed to bolster myself. 她迫使我感到我这么做完全错了,毫无理由,使得我别无选择只好硬逞能。
- She is perpetually trying to unite men and women who are utterly wrong for each other. 她永恒地正在试着统一为对方完全错误的男人和女人。
- Therefore,it is utterly wrong to think that no economic construction should be undertaken in the midst of the revolutionary war. 所以,这种以为革命战争的环境不应该进行经济建设的意见,是极端错误的。
- Ads are planned and written with some utterly wrong conception. They are written to please the seller. The interest of the buyer are forgotten. 一些彻头彻尾错误的观念伴随着广告策划与写作,广告只是为了取悦卖方,忘记了买方的利益诉求。
- Your mind keeps throwing up the observations and questions because, deep down, you know that what is happening is utterly wrong. 你的头脑不断抛出观点,问题,因为,内心深处,你知道正发生的是完全错误的。
- Life isn't worth living. Stockwell mulled that over. How could he convince this distraught kid how utterly wrong he was? 活着真没意思。斯托克韦尔在仔细考虑怎样来回答他这句话。他怎样才能让这个情绪失常的孩子信服他自己的所作所为是多么的错而不对呢?
- Li is utterly wrong since he isolates the "botu" from its context when he tries to prove it is commendatory in Remark on Lisao by arguing it is so in Zhiyin (Friendship). 刘勰在对《楚辞》的总体定位以及对《楚辞》作品的具体评价方面都存在深刻的矛盾,这是不可回避的。
- Your Central News Agency's publication of the news item of July 6, which is disruptive of unity and insulting to the Communist Party, is also utterly wrong and impermissible. 中央社于七月六日发出破坏团结、侮辱共产党的消息,这是一种极端错误的言论,也是不能容许的。
- This is utterly wrong. 这是大错特错的。
- At present there are quite a number of co-operatives in which the socialist spirit of helping needy families is lacking and from which the poor peasants are even excluded; this is utterly wrong. 目前,有许多合作社,缺乏帮助困难户的社会主义的精神,甚至根本排斥贫农,这是完全错误的。
- It is wrong of you to bully the child. 你不该欺侮那个孩子。
- It was painful to admit that I was wrong. 要我承认错了,是很费力的。
- She dropped into a chair, utterly worn out. 她一下子坐到椅子里,筋疲力尽了。
- He spoke his lines utterly dead pan. 他毫无表情地背台词。