- He has drawn up a vacation plan. 他已拟出假期计划。
- To finish the work, we decided to cancel our vacation plan. 为了做完工作,我们决定取消度假计划。
- This was I and arranges in the summer vacation plan. 这就是我在暑假里的打算与安排了。
- The accident put a crimp in our vacation plans. 这意外事故阻碍了我们的假期计划。
- The two friends sat in a corner and chatted away about their vacation plan. 两个朋友坐在角落里闲聊假期安排。
- She can kiss her vacation plans good-bye. 她只能放弃了她的假期计划。
- Our vacation plans are shaping well. 我们的假期计划进展顺利。
- She dreamt about vacation plans when she should have been working. 她在本应工作时胡思乱想着度假计划。
- Our vacation plans are finally beginning to take shape. 我们的度假计划终于开始初具雏形了。
- I'm going to leave our vacation plans up to you. Great! 我们的假期计划,我由你决定。好极了。
- Kiss good-bye She can kiss her vacation plans good-bye. 她被迫放弃休假计画。
- I had to put my vacation plans on hold because of the recession. 因为经济不景气,我不得不暂时放弃我的度假计划。
- Can I ask you a few questions about your vacation plans ? 我能问你一些关于你的假期计划的问题吗?
- You will have to put your vacation plans on ice until your debts are paid. 你的债务若还不清,你就必须将你的假期计划搁到一边。
- Peter's vacation plans went up in smoke when a crisis arose in the office. 皮特的休假计划随着办公室危机的出现而化为乌有。
- Travel Enterprises - Discount agency offering information on crusises, airfare, and vacation planning services. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- My vacation plans fell through. 我的休假计划成为泡影了。
- He has never dissatisfied with this plan. 他从来没有对计划表示不满。
- too secretive to disclose her vacation plans. 她太讳莫如深了,不肯告诉我们她的休假计划。
- I bought a run-down farm house and plan to fix it up. 我买了一间破败的农舍,打算整修整修。