- This is the result of an intensive vaccination program for pets, primarily dogs and cats. 这是加强对牲畜首先是犬和猫大规模的预防接种计划的结果。
- In Sept, Jean Wu, China Medical Director, distributed information, via email, about GE China's annual flu vaccination program. 九月份,大中华区的医疗总监,吴瑾女士通过电子邮件向所有大中华区的员工传达了今年流感疫苗的接种计划。
- Unfortunately, the longer term consequences of a vaccination program cannot simply be extrapolated from the results of such trials. 然而,疫苗计划更长期的结果无法从这样的试验中简单地推算出来。
- Budget shortfalls, a lack of political support and insufficient personnel are holding up a vaccination program on Bali, said Rita Kusriatuti, a leading official for communicable animal diseases. 传染性动物疾病主管丽塔库斯里图提说,预算不足、缺乏政治支持和人员不足,阻碍了巴里岛的预防接种计画。
- Through congressional support, the work of the CDC extends beyond vaccination programs. 通过国会的支持,CDC的工作扩展到疫苗工程以外。
- The fighting in Afghanistan and Pakistan has hampered vaccination programs there. 在阿富汗和巴基斯坦发生的战争阻碍了疫苗项目的开展。
- The lesson here is that modern virologic research is key for prevention and control programs such as those carried out by the CDC Rabies Laboratory and Texas State Health Department, which is achieving much success with its coyote vaccination program. 这里的教训就是,现代病毒学研究是疾病预防与控制中心下属的狂犬病实验室以及得克萨斯州卫生局正在进行的防制项目的关键所在,州卫生局在其草原狼疫苗免疫程序正取得显著成功。
- Vaccination program may be of use 接种疫苗或许有用
- While the report provides evidence on when and how HPV vaccination programmes could be effective, decisions on whether to introduce them lie with the E.U. 而该报告提供的证据显示,在何时及如何进行有效的人类乳头瘤病毒疫苗接种方案,取决于是否与欧盟各会员国一起引进该方案。
- Many Chinese were infected by needles that were reused during mass vaccination programs for tuberculosis, tetanus and encephalitis from the 1970s to the 1990s. 1970年至1990年间,中国大量开展接种肺结核、破伤风、脑炎等疫苗,由于针头的重复多次使用,许多人感染了病毒。
- Vaccine programs are still in the experimental stages. 疫苗研究还在试验阶段。
- Animal activist Catherine Rich said she supports the vaccine program, but said any health risk posed by the squirrels is overblown. 动物保育提倡者凯萨琳.瑞琪表示,她支持这项疫苗计画,但松鼠造成人类健康危机的说法言过其实。
- He had a vaccination against rabies. 他做了疫苗注射以预防狂犬病。
- As incidence of disease decreases, stop vaccination program 当发病率降低时,停止免疫
- Vaccination program designed for the type of operation 根据感染类型,制定免疫接种计划
- I'm immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination. 我接种过疫苗了,所以对天花有免疫力。
- She hasn't taken since her first vaccination. 自从她第一次接种以来,疫苗一直没有发过。
- The main feature on the program is her song. 那个节目的主要号召物是她的歌。
- Maternal transmission is the primary reason for vaccine failure and is the challenge that needs to be addressed in future vaccination programs. 母婴传播是疫苗失败的主要原因,也是将来疫苗接种计划需要考虑的一项挑战。
- This news program only covers external events. 这一新闻节目只报道国外消息。