- vacuum and preloading method 真空联合堆载预压法
- Analysis of Vacuum and Surcharge Preloading Method and its Application 真空堆载联合预压法在公路软基处理中的应用
- heavily rammed stone-piers and preloading method with accumulating load 强夯块石礅和堆载预压
- In order to apply the soft clay subsoil effectively in practice,the method of vacuum well-point dewatering and preloading was put to test in flood land of Songhuajiang River. 地下水位的降低程度对真空降水预压方法加固效果有很大影响,"水封"作用不利于土体固结。
- Application of vacuum preloading method to soft ground improvement of Dandong power plant is introduced herein. 文中介绍了真空预压法在华能丹东电厂软基处理中应用的工程实例。
- CAO Yong-lang,CONG Jian,WU Xiao-feng.Study on consolidation of supersoft ground of expressway with vacuum preloading method[J].Rock and Soil Mechanics,2003,24(5):771-775. [6]曹永琅;丛建;吴晓峰.;高速公路超软土地基的真空预压加固研究[J]
- It can be equipped with oil-poor,vacuum and SF6 circuit breakers. 可配少油、真空、SF6断路器。
- the method combined vacuum and surcharge preloading 真空联合堆载预压法
- vacuum surcharge preloading method 真空联合堆载预压
- vacuum mounding preloading method 真空-堆载预压
- Method C-BMG was made from putting cefazolin into BMG by absorption in a vacuum and freeaze-drying techniques. 方法 将BMG溶于头孢唑林钠溶液,通过真空吸附、冻干等处理,制得载药BMG。
- The key issue to the preloading method of dam which uses the self-weight to preload is the speed of the embankment. 对于利用自身填筑重量作为堆载的堤坝建筑物,堆载预压法的一个关键性问题,就是坝体填筑速率的快慢问题。
- Caching and preloading images can help, but they still exist as individual objects within the DOM. 缓存和预载图像会有所帮助,但在DOM里它们依然以独立的对象存在。
- Resin was degassed using a vacuum and the winding carried out under vacuum. 树脂用真空脱气,并在真空下进行缠绕。
- As a simple and effective method of soft ground treatments,the sand drain preloading method has been widely used in construction projects. 砂井堆载预压法作为一种简单有效的软土地基处理方法已经在工程中得到广泛的应用。
- But, just as in physics, nature abhors a vacuum and so does politics. 但是,正如物理学一样,自然界厌恶真空,政治也是如此。
- Turn on a vacuum and the noise fades way down to an unobtrusive level. 就算开着吸尘器,听起来噪音也能降低到不突兀的水平。
- Resin was degassed using a vacuum and the winding carried out under vacuum . 树脂用真空脱气,并在真空下进行缠绕。
- The water-filled preload method can be used to come up to reinforce the foundation, reduce the settlement and lower the cost effectively. 软弱非饱和土地基,常采用复合地基加固,但费用较高,采用充水预压加固可达到提高地基强度、减少工后沉降的目的,并可有效降低工程造价。