- Columbus made four voyages to the west between 1492and 1504 in his vain search for a sea route to Asia. 哥伦布于1492到1504年间四次西航,希望找到一条通向亚洲的海上航线,但没有成功。
- Since he had abandoned his own country for England, taking service as a valet, he had in vain searched for a master after his own heart. 他们只不过是些耸肩昂首、目空一切、装腔作势、瞪眼无情的下流痞子罢了,而路路通却不是那种人,他是个很正派的大小伙子,他的相貌很讨人喜欢。
- As for Passepartout, he was a true Parisian of Paris.Since he had abandoned his own country for England, taking service as a valet, he had in vain searched for a master after his own heart. 福克先生是这样的一种人,生活按部就班,行动精密准确,从来不慌不忙,凡事总有准备,甚至连迈几步,动几动,都有一定的节制。
- It is vain to attempt to root out heresy by force. 试图用暴力消除异端邪说是徒劳的。
- In vain searched through the heather, 徒劳地搜索于石南花丛中。
- I sought to persuade him, but in vain. 我试图说服他,但无效。
- I tried to make his peace with her, but in vain. 我试图使他与她和好,但还是白搭。
- She is vain and foolish, and yet people like her. 她自负而愚蠢,然而人们喜欢她。
- We used the most modern search methods in vain. 我们使用了最现代的探索方法也未能如愿。
- I tried to console her, but in vain. 我试着去安慰她,但是无效。
- She's vain and foolish, and yet people like her. 她自负又缺少智慧,然而人们喜欢她。
- I want to search out an old school friend. 我想寻找我的一个老同学。
- He wasted his life in the vain pursuit of pleasure. 他为了追求享乐而白白虚度了一生。
- They made vain attempts to reach the mountaintop. 他们几次徒然尝试想攀登山顶。
- All our entreaties were in vain. 我们的乞求全是枉然。
- They endeavoured to make her happy but in vain. 他们尽量使她快乐,却徒劳无功。
- We tried in vain to make him change his mind. 我们想使他改变主意,结果是白费心机。
- The search party spread out over the moor. 搜索队在荒草地分散行动。
- Hullo! Who's that, taking my name in vain? 喂!是谁在那儿议论我?
- He go in search of a doctor for his sick wife. 他去为他生病的妻子找医生。