- They lived on the outskirts of houston. 他们住在休斯顿市郊。
- That's a little larger than the population of Houston. 这比整个休斯顿城的人口还多一点。
- The safety valve of his anger opened. 他控制怒火的安全阀打开了。
- There are two ports in the valve of an engine. 一台发动机的阀门上有两个通气孔。
- Is the valve of receiving tank open? 受油舱阀门是否已打开?
- Leave the drain valve of the holding tank opened. 让贮槽的排水阀打开。
- The discharge valve of NO.2 liner is washed out. 2号缸的排水凡尔剌了。
- The suction valve of NO.3 liner is seized. 3号缸的上水凡尔卡死了。
- Which is a thickening in the valve of the...kidney? |那会使...肾脏的瓣膜变厚?
- valve of Houston 直肠横襞, 直肠横褶, 休斯顿瓣
- Two people died when a news helicopter crashed north of Houston. 在休斯顿北直升机坠落事件中有两人死亡。
- The safety valve of boiler F.O. Pump to be submitted. 锅炉燃油泵安全阀提交。
- Testing of the electromagnetic valve of distributor pump. 分配泵电磁阀试验。
- Jerry McNeely of Houston, Texas, who has held two garage sales with friends. 她和她的朋友曾举办过两次庭院甩卖。
- The valve of IBC must be strictly protect from hit or collide. 严禁阀门受到外力冲击和碰撞。
- This product is a valve of autocontrol and protection. 本产品是一种自动控制及起保护作用的阀门。
- Parts of Houston had sporadic rain Tuesday, but no storms like the ones that swamped the area the day before. 休斯敦的部分地区星期二下起了零星小雨,但是不会有像前天那样席卷淹没整个地区的暴雨。
- The trim valves of the confirming flow test. 应该确认这些阀门通过流量测试。
- Habits: "A normal 12-hour day," his secretary says. Single; often seen at the elbow of Houston socialite Carolyn Farb. 生活习惯:他的秘书说:“每天工作十二小时,单身、经常与休斯顿社交名媛卡洛林法布相挽而出。”
- Remove the upper valving of X-tree above the spool. 抬开大四通以上采油树闸门部分。