- Snow's mother died of colon cancer in her 30s. 斯诺的母亲30岁的时候死于癌症。
- The safety valve of his anger opened. 他控制怒火的安全阀打开了。
- There are two ports in the valve of an engine. 一台发动机的阀门上有两个通气孔。
- But even lean red meat seems to increase the risk of colon cancer. 但即使是无脂肪的瘦肉也似乎会增加结肠癌的罹患率。
- Is the valve of receiving tank open? 受油舱阀门是否已打开?
- The incidence rate of colon cancer keeps ascendant these years. 大肠癌的发病率近来有上升的趋势。
- Leave the drain valve of the holding tank opened. 让贮槽的排水阀打开。
- The discharge valve of NO.2 liner is washed out. 2号缸的排水凡尔剌了。
- The suction valve of NO.3 liner is seized. 3号缸的上水凡尔卡死了。
- Which is a thickening in the valve of the...kidney? |那会使...肾脏的瓣膜变厚?
- valve of colon 结肠瓣
- frenum of valve of colon 结肠瓣系带
- There was different NMPs in different types of colon carcinoma. 在不同类型大肠癌中,核基质蛋白表达也具有差异。
- The safety valve of boiler F.O. Pump to be submitted. 锅炉燃油泵安全阀提交。
- Such occurs with the patient of colonic carcinoma. 此情况见于结肠癌病人。
- Testing of the electromagnetic valve of distributor pump. 分配泵电磁阀试验。
- The valve of IBC must be strictly protect from hit or collide. 严禁阀门受到外力冲击和碰撞。
- Detection of Cola beverage by electronic nose. 可乐饮料的电子鼻检测研究。
- This product is a valve of autocontrol and protection. 本产品是一种自动控制及起保护作用的阀门。
- We also found, for the first time, an increased risk of colon cancers. 我们也第一次发现暴露在联氨之下会增加直肠癌的风险。