- A verification performance test is conducted on a 600MW superpressure turbine in Shidongkao power plant in accordancewith "ASME PTC6-1976. " The valve point basis was adopted for test basis. 对华能上海石洞口二厂的600MW超临界汽轮机组进行了严格的热力性能考核试验,试验标准采用美国机械工程师学会《汽轮机性能试验规程》ASME PTC61976,试验基准为阀点基准。
- Are provided for the actual pump performance curve is a smooth curve. 其实际是规定了水泵的性能曲线是一条平滑的曲线。
- It can get the conclusion that the reasonable flow pressure of producing well should not be lower than the pressure corresponding to the first inflexion point of the inflow performance curve. 分析得知,试采井合理井底流压不应低于流入动态曲线第一个拐点对应的压力。
- On the Series TDV Performance Curve (Fig. 5) locate the differential pressure obtained in Step 6.3.2 and project line horizontally across to intercept with Valve Performance Curve. 在系列TDV的性能曲线(图5)上找出从步骤6.;3
- After the first game of competition starts, reaches Heady opening splits out an unilever 61 point performance, and by 62:25 wins finally. 首局比赛开始后,达赫迪开局就打出单杆61分的表现,并最终以62:25胜出。
- Performance Curve with valve in Open Position 阀门处于开启位置的性能曲线
- The HPC world has been obsessively focused on simple performance metrics, such as peak floating point performance, or performance on the Linpack benchmark. 摘要以往的高端计算领域将峰值运算速度作为衡量计算系统的最重要的指标。
- Refer to Series TDV Performance Curves with valve in full open position (Fig. 5). 参阅系列TDV阀门在全开位置的性能曲线(图5)。
- Builds the performance curve regression equations of two types of pumps with the least square method,and gains the fitted curve equations. 利用最小二乘法建立了两种型号水泵的性能曲线回归方程组,从而得到了水泵的性能曲线方程。
- The control logic preventing the compressor from surge was analyzed and improved after the performance curve of compressor in gas turbine booster station was analyzed. 通过对燃气轮机增压站压缩机性能曲线的分析,对压缩机防喘振控制逻辑进行了分析及改进。
- Their mathematical modeling are needful, since they are not only indispensable for CNC machining and programming, but also imperative for investigating and improving the drill point performance. 但是,需要建立它们的数学模型。这不仅是CNC加工和编程的前提,也是分析研究和提高钻尖性能的依据。
- Hitting this point performs a specified action but does not break program execution. 命中此点则执行指定的操作,但不中断程序的执行。
- Implementing with LabWindows/CVI,this system can realize sampling data,controlling blower speed and working stage,scaling performance curve automatically. The results of site operation show the advantages of the system. 该系统采用LabW indows/CVI开发平台,可实现风机性能参数的自动采集与处理、风机转速及运行工况的自动控制,风机性能曲线的自动绘制等功能,测试结果表明了系统的优越性。
- The precision of stock cotyledon direction orientating which the device of identifying stock growing point performs is tested by means of the technique of image processing. 运用图像处理技术,对蔬菜嫁接机器人的砧木生长点识别系统,进行了砧木子叶方向定位的准确性的试验。
- The intake lag angle of the engine is optimized, and the dynamic effects of intake pipes and exhaust pipes to the improvement of motorcycle engine is applied to make the engine test performance curve approach the simulation curve. 本文介绍了从进气晚关角及进排气的动态效应几方面着手,不断改进发动机的配气相位以及进排气系统,使发动机的实际性能曲线逐步接近计算机仿真曲线。
- Series TDV Performance Curve with Valve in Full Open Position 系列TDV在阀门全开位置的性能曲线
- Multi-dependent shooting exposure or lack of treatment of development, so that the image most darkened level falls to the negative performance curve of Plantar and the lower part of the straight line. 众因拍摄曝平或显影不敷所致,使图像暗调条理不小局部落在负像共性弧线的趾部及弧线下半部。
- In charge of configuration of new pump for FPV.Create new drawing, product code, Item Master, BOM, Routing, Transfer Pricing, Performance Curve, Test specification, accessories, etc. for FPC order. 负责给客户配置定制化产品,并为新的定制化产品创建新的图纸、产品号、物料信息、物料清单、工艺流程、价格、性能曲线、测试要求和随机配件等。
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- In the existing 300MW steam turbine condenser performance curve,the cavitation in water ring vacuum pump is not taken account,so the curve can t exactly reflect the operation state of condenser. 现有的300MW机组凝汽器特性曲线没有考虑到水环真空泵汽蚀特性对凝汽器运行特性的影响,不能准确反映凝汽器的运行状态。