- valvulae conniventes 环状襞
- Petals violet or reddish, free but connivent and tubelike. 花瓣紫色或者带红色,离生但靠合和管状。
- Sepals oblong-linear, connivent, erect, base of lateral pair saccate. 萼片长圆形线,靠合,直立,侧的对的基部囊状。
- Beginning at the junction between the first and second portions of the duodenum,permanent transverse conniventes ,characteristic of the small intestine,begin. 出血可能或是悲惨的(由于主动脉的流明和十二指肠的流明之间的极小连结)或慢性的与铁缺乏和发烧。
- Leaves opposite; upper corolla lip galeate, as long as lower lip; anther locules equal in length, connivent. 叶对生盔状的上面花冠唇,倍于下唇;药室等长,靠合。(29
- Shrubs small; perianth (including wings) 8-14 mm in diam. in fruit, portion above wing together connivent and forming a cone. 灌木小;花被(包括翅)在果期8-14毫米直径,翅上部靠合和形成圆锥形。(31
- Plants 1.5-2 m tall. Stem glabrous or strigose at nodes of upper part. Basal leaves orbicular or broadly ovate, large, 30-60 cm. Panicle much branched; branches connivent. 植株1.;5-2米高。茎无毛的或上半部分的具糙伏毛的在节上。基生叶圆形或宽卵形,大,30-60厘米。圆锥花序多分枝;分枝靠合。
- Perianth segments above wing leathery, not reflexed but embracing utricle, connivent, and together forming a cone in fruit; bractlets shorter than perianth. 翅上面花被片似皮革,不反折但是包括的胞果,靠合,以及在果期的一同形成一圆锥形;小苞片短于花被。(29
- Methods Being exposed with blunt and sharp section from vaginan mucosa, both of lateral muscular walls were plicated and tighten, therefore a valvulae was formed on vagina wall with excessive mucosa. 方法:手术应用紧贴阴道粘膜的钝性与锐性相结合的分离,在阴道松弛肌肉的两侧壁缝合紧缩,多余的阴道粘膜形成斜行的粘膜瓣,置于阴道内。
- cuspis medialis valvulae tricuspidalis 三尖瓣隔侧尖
- cuspis anterior valvulae bicuspidalis 二尖瓣前尖,二尖瓣大瓣
- cuspis anterior valvulae tricuspidalis 三尖瓣前尖
- cuspis posterior valvulae bicuspidalis 二尖瓣小瓣
- cuspis posterior valvulae tricuspidalis 三尖瓣后尖
- valvulae semilunares arteriae pulmonalis 肺动脉(半月)瓣
- anthers connivent, divergent at base, longitudinally dehiscent. 花药靠合,基部分叉,纵向开裂。
- anthers 2-celled, connivent, opening by a slit or pore. 花药2室,靠合,通过一条裂缝或者孔开裂。
- portion of segment above wing connivent with others into a cone; 翅上部的裂片与其它的靠合成为一圆锥;
- anthers dorsally hairy, connivent, adnate to stigma head; 背有毛,靠合的花药,贴生于柱头头状花序;
- anthers connivent in pairs, locules often apically confluent. 花药靠合成对,子房室通常汇合。