- variable blur congregate 模糊可变集合
- The racing cars passed in a blur. 竞赛的汽车影绰不清地飞驰而过。
- Congregate living facilities for senior citizens. 为老年人设立的公共生活设施
- The houses appeared as a blur in the mist. 那些房子在雾中显得一片模糊。
- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- The prices are variable, shop around by all means. 价格高低不一,所以一定要货比三家逐店选购。
- The temperature was a variable in the experiment. 在该实验中温度是个变量。
- A blur on a developed photographic image. 模糊不清洗好的照片图象上的模糊处
- A finite increment in a variable. 变量增量变量的有限增量
- The speed of the toy boat is variable. 玩具船的速度是可变的。
- Winds are mainly light and variable. 风力较弱,风向多变。
- Everything become a blur when you travel beyond a certain speed. 当你超过一定的速度行进时,一切都变得模模糊糊的。
- A programmed time delay of variable duration. 暂停,展宽一种由程序设置的可变持续时间的时间延迟
- To congregate or travel in a flock or crowd. 群集成群或成堆地聚集或行进
- My memory of the accident is only a blur. 我对那次事故的记忆模糊不清。
- The damp paper caused the ink to blur. 潮纸因墨水弄上污渍。
- The town was just a blur on the horizon. 朝地平线望去; 小城一片蒙胧.
- The highbrows usually congregate there. 知识界人士通常都在那里聚会。
- The days and nights were a blur of medical reports. 日日夜夜都是治疗报告。
- A blur of sunlight was crawling across his hair. 一道耀眼的阳光正抹过他的头发。