- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- It's Bill's wife who really rules the roost in that family. 在比尔家里,真正当家的是她的老婆。
- She must be made to comply with the rules. 必须强迫她遵守这些规则。
- The prices are variable, shop around by all means. 价格高低不一,所以一定要货比三家逐店选购。
- The temperature was a variable in the experiment. 在该实验中温度是个变量。
- I am thoroughly conversant with all the rules. 我对所有的规则了如指掌。
- If you join the club you must abide by its rules. 如果你加入那个俱乐部,你就得遵守其规章。
- A finite increment in a variable. 变量增量变量的有限增量
- When do the new safety rules come into force? 新的安全规则何时生效?
- The speed of the toy boat is variable. 玩具船的速度是可变的。
- The rules will suffice for all ordinary needs. 这些规定将能满足所有一般场合的需要。
- Winds are mainly light and variable. 风力较弱,风向多变。
- It's no use kicking against the rules. 反对这些规定是徒劳的。
- A programmed time delay of variable duration. 暂停,展宽一种由程序设置的可变持续时间的时间延迟
- I'm committed not to violate the rules. 我有义务不违反规定。
- You can't lay down hard and fast rules. 规则不能定得太严太死。
- Many old rules are not in force any more. 许多旧的制度都已经失效。
- He ordered his life according to strict rules. 他把生活安排得十分刻板。
- The abbot told him to obey the rules. 修道院院长告诉他要遵守规定。
- We should act in conformity with the rules. 我们应该依照规定行事。