- variable separation solutions 分离变量解
- The formal variable separation approach is developed to find multiple solitary wave solutions for nonintegrable models. 形式分离变量法被推广应用于寻求不可积模型的多孤立波解。
- Variable separating solution 分离变量解法
- In this work, starting from a Painlev?-B?cklund transformation and a multilinear variable separation approach, a general variable separation excitation of the three-dimensional Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli system is derived first. 借助于Painlev B cklund变换和多线性变量分离方法 ;求得了 (2 +1)维非线性Boiti Leon Pempinelle系统的一般变量分离解 .
- However, we don't recommend this style. If you declare each variable separately, your programs are easier to read. 但是,我们不建议使用这种格式。如果你单独声明每个变量,你的程序读起来就会容易一些。
- multilinear variable separation approach 多线性变量分离法
- Han, Wei County are among the eup, Northern Wei Tai Chi eup eleven counties, Sui said County eup, Tang separate solutions of the county. 汉魏皆属安邑县地,北魏太和十一年置安邑县,隋称安邑县,唐另置解县。
- mutilinear variable separation approach 分离变量法
- the multilinear variable separation approach 多线性分离变量法
- For example, in the German version, if you input 3,14159, it returns only 3, since the comma is treated as a variable separator rather than a decimal point. 例如,若在德语版中输入3,14159,则只返回3;因为在这里逗号被视为变量分隔符,而不是小数点。
- gradual variable separation approach 逐步分离变量法
- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- In the paper,the dynamic axial response of bar during impact,while the impactor and target are regarded as a system of vibration,is analyzed by means of variables separation method. 本文采用模态分析方法,分析了任意支承条件下杆的冲击动力响应。
- The prices are variable, shop around by all means. 价格高低不一,所以一定要货比三家逐店选购。
- The temperature was a variable in the experiment. 在该实验中温度是个变量。
- A finite increment in a variable. 变量增量变量的有限增量
- The speed of the toy boat is variable. 玩具船的速度是可变的。
- During the data analysis, Pearson correlational analysis was first made to show briefly the correlations in the way of analyzing variables separately. 在数据分析过程中,本篇论文首先采用了皮尔逊相关分析法从而通过对每一个性格特质和英语学习成绩的一一对应分析初步探究两者之间的相关性。
- Winds are mainly light and variable. 风力较弱,风向多变。
- Separation from her children was a terrible wrench. 同她的孩子们分别是一项很大的痛苦。