- variable stroke plunger pump 变冲程柱塞泵
- The BZ 740 pump is a high pressure and large flow axial plunger pump. 740泵是铝型材挤压机普遍使用的一种高压、大流量的斜轴式轴向柱塞泵。
- Pressure equaligation variable axial plunger pump 压力补偿变量轴向柱塞泵
- In the present study,the fundamentals of VST is analyzed,an equation of stroke-wind velocity is proposed,the performance of variable stroke wind pumps is also discussed. 研究了以变行程技术实现机械式风力提水机风轮与活塞泵在宽风速范围的高效匹配问题。
- variable displacement plunger pump 可变容量排气泵
- constant-pressure variable plunger pump 定压变量柱塞泵
- There are two kinds of plunger pump available for model 2000 fracturing truck,i.e.,triplex pump and quintuple Pump. 供2000型压裂车选择的柱塞泵有三缸泵和五缸泵2种。
- Plunger pump in the steering system bring fluid pulsation, there out bring pressure pulsation in subsequence system. 本文分析了某船舶操舵系统噪声产生的原因及机理,进行了降噪措施的理论研究。
- Chain ring overrunning clutch is developed for the disadvantages of roller overunning clutch that is used in variable stroke drive, its working principle is original and its construction is unique. 链环式超越离合器是一种原理新颖、结构独特的超越离合器,它是针对在脉动无级变速器中使用的滚柱式超越离合器的缺陷而研制的。
- There are two kinds of plunger pump available for model 2000 fracturing truck,i. 供2000型压裂车选择的柱塞泵有三缸泵和五缸泵2种。
- The outlet valve of the plunger pump must be taken down before the inlet valve is hauled out with the former disassembling instrument for the valve. 柱塞泵的下凡尔损坏后,用原来配的凡尔拔出器拆卸时要先拆掉上凡尔,再拆卸维修下凡尔。
- Under the action of variation magnetic field,the permanent magnet moving-coil drives the plunger pump to move up and down and lift oil up to ground. 通过动力电缆给井下直线电机供电后产生交变磁场,永磁体动子在交变磁场作用下带动泵柱塞上下往复运动,从而达到举升抽油的目的。
- By applying the fuzzy synthetic judgment theory, the faults of axial plunger pump can be diagnosed in high-efficient and reliable way. 本文应用模糊综合评判理论,对轴向柱塞泵故障进行诊断,达到高效、可靠判断。
- In order to verify the performance of fracturing truck and plunger pump,bench test,final assembly test and field industrial test should be performed. 为了验证压裂车和柱塞泵的性能,进行了台架试验、出厂试验和现场工业试验。
- A kind of electric hydraulic control on variable stroke for wind pump 风力提水机变行程的电液控制
- One new type of internal combustion oil hydraulic power system was put forward, which integrated the technologies of internal combustion engine and oil plunger pump. 摘要提出了一种新型内燃式油压动力系统,该系统集成了内燃机与柱塞式液压泵技术。
- It is provided with synchro tooth belf for driving and plunger pump for lubricating ank knob-type stitch regulator and lever-type reverse feeding mehanism. 采用邮箱供油自动润滑系统,针杆摆动与送布牙同步送料方式,旋钮式圆盘调节针距和杠杆式倒顺送料机构使操作更为方便。
- The device integrated traditional combustion engine and plunger pump technique, made directly use of the rectilinear motion of plunger for outputting water power. 内燃式水动力装置将传统内燃机与柱塞式水泵技术集成为一体,直接利用活塞往复直线运动输出水压能。
- The lazy boy has not done a stroke of work all day. 这懒小子一整天一点事都没干。
- WOMA designs, produces and sells high-pressure plunger pumps driven by electric motors or combustion engines. WOMA公司设计、制造和销售电动机或内燃机驱动的高压柱塞泵。