- variance coefficient method 变异系数法
- The accessions displayed wide variation in SSRI, which ranged from 0.000 to 0.7675 with the variance coefficient (CV) of 114.4%. 结果表明,抗裂角性状在现有品种(系)中存在广泛变异,变异系数达114.;4%25。
- The unbalancing value was resolved with influence coefficient method. 利用影响系数法进行不平衡量的解算。
- Classical statistical analyses show significant spatial variability of soil erodibility K values at a scale of small watershed, the variance coefficient of which is 39.94%. 经典统计学方法分析表明,在小流域尺度下土壤可蚀性K值存在很强的空间变异性,其变异系数达39.;94%25。
- Interelement absorption and enhancement effects are corrected by using the experience coefficient method. 用经验系数法进行元素间增强和吸收校正。
- The influence of creep on shrinkage stresses is taken into account by relaxation coefficient method. 采用松弛系数法对水泥砂浆徐变对地面收缩应力的影响做了修正。
- It is concluded that the Equivalent Penetration Coefficient Method is accurate, simple, and easy to be popularized. 应用表明,等效渗透系数法不仅具有足够的计算精度,而且还具备算法简单、易推广等优点。
- Taking Xianning city as a case, application of advanced entropic coefficient method to distribute basic farmland was discussed. 以湖北省咸宁市为例,对改进的熵权系数法在基本农田指标分解中的应用进行了探讨。
- The Creep coefficient method and the time-stress equivalence principle are used to investigate the creep behavior of plastic geogrids. 摘要运用蠕变系数法和时间-应力等效原理分析塑料土工格栅的蠕变行为。
- According to the dose coefficient method of ICRP,the problem of internal radiation dosage estimation has turned into how to estimate the intake. 国际辐射防护委员会)的剂量系数估算方法确立以来,内照射剂量估算的主要问题变成了如何估算摄入量的问题。
- Marginal loss coefficient method is a loss allocation method based on the principle of microeconomics and the assigned power flow solutions. 边际网损系数法是一种基于微观经济学原理和已知潮流解的网损分摊方法。
- Variance coefficients of BYDV resistance value reduces rapidly when generation added, and BYDV resistance gene purify rapidly. 抗性变异随世代的增加减幅较大,抗病基因纯合较快;
- additive genetic variance coefficient 附加遗传方差系数
- This paper makes an important improvement to correlation coefficient method for 3-parameter Weibull distribution and then reduces its compute largely. 本文对确定威布尔分布三参数的相关系数法做了重要改进,使得计算量大为简化。
- Additionally, the authors analyzed the stability of landslide with sectional transfer coefficient method quantificationally. 另外,采用分段传递系数法对滑坡的稳定性进行了定量评价。
- The g enetic variance coefficients, broad sense-heritability and relative genetic adva nces of flag leaf inclination angles were high, and their selective effect was better. 结果表明:小麦旗叶倾角的遗传变异系数、广义遗传力和相对遗传进度较高,选择效果较好;
- On the basis of probability and statistics theory the probability design method for soft clay foundation, namely probability design coefficient method, is proposed. 将概率统计理论引入软黏土地基一维固结问题的分析中,提出了软黏土地基一维固结概率设计系数法。 该方法用设计系数将软黏土地基一维固结概率设计与常规设计联系起来。
- By using the undetermined coefficient method, a new scheme is derived from the HAUC2 scheme to simulate the two dimensional convection-diffusion equation. 摘要运用待定系数法,建立了求解二维对流扩散方程的HAUC2格式。
- The efficacy coefficient method has been propounded on the basis of multiple objectives programming theory, assuming that the value and the index data are linearly dependent. 功效系数法是基于多目标规划原理提出来的,并假定功效分值和各指标数值呈线性关系。
- The indoor associated toxicity of 10 different mixtures of 9 pesticides to Myzus persicae (Sulzer) were determined by Sun co-toxicity coefficient method. 在确定的测定条件下,采用孙云沛共毒系数法对9种杀虫剂的10个组合对烟蚜的联合毒力进行了测定。