- Keywords varieties of flue cured tobacco;relational analysis;grey system;multifactorial evaluation; 烤烟品种;关联度;灰色系统;综合评判;
- Sichuan province and Liangshan Prefecture are joining hands to push forward the development of flue cured tobacco. 四川省与凉山州携手共谋烤烟发展。
- Effect of three foliage sprays on the yield and quality of flue cured tobacco 三种叶面肥对烤烟产质量及光合生理的影响
- A preliminary study on fertility characteristic of flue cured tobacco planting soil in Baokang County of Hubei Province 保康县植烟土壤的主要肥力特征初探
- From great to little followed : Nicotiana rustica L.> original cultivar> Oriental tobacco> Flue cured tobacco> Local air sun cured tobacco> Maryland tobacco> Burley tobacco Hearty shape leaf tobacco>. 种子千粒重排序为 :黄花烟 >原始种 >香料烟 >烤烟 >晒晾烟 >马里兰烟 >白肋烟 >心叶烟。
- the zinc content of flue - cured tobacco 烤烟锌含量
- the protein content of flue - cured tobacco 烤烟蛋白质含量
- Due to the variety of flue gas desulphurization(FGD)technologies,various of economic target and technologic target may lead to confusion. 烟气脱硫技术种类虽多,但由于技术、经济等指标繁杂,用户不易选择,故引入模糊综合评价法。
- Out of total output of Flue Cured Virginia (FCV), a premier grade used for cigarette-making, India usually exports around 55 percent, while the domestic market consumes the rest. 在印度出产的用于制造卷烟的首要级别的弗吉尼亚烤烟当中,印度通常出口大约55%25,而国内市场则消费其余的弗吉尼亚烤烟。
- Effect of Applying Choline on Flue cured Tobacco Plant with 36 Cl 应用~(36)Cl研究烤烟施氯效果
- A variety of food is sold at a supermarket. 超级市场各式各样的食物均有出售。
- A great variety of flowers were shown in the park. 公园里展出了很多品种的花。
- Keywords Flue cured tobacco;Maturity;Chlorophyll;Cytokinins;Abscisic acid; 烤烟;成熟;叶绿素;细胞分裂素;脱落酸;
- I have a variety of books at home. 我家中有好多书。
- His lecture ranged over a variety of topics. 他的演讲涉及到很多论题。
- Effects of Applying Wheat Straw on Yield and Quality of Flue - cured Tobacco 施用麦秸秆对烤烟产质量的影响
- The dish was accompanied by a variety of pickles. 这盘菜配有什锦泡菜。
- Study on Dynamics of Five Enzymes of Flue--Cured Tobacco K326 during Ripening 烤烟K326成熟期五种酶动态的研究
- A variety of apple having fruit with dark red skin. 晚熟苹果一种皮的颜色为暗红色的苹果
- He left for a variety of reasons. 他由于种种原因而离开了。