- Design and implementation of sorting and tracing device for various waveform radar signals 脉间波形变换信号分选跟踪器的设计与实现
- various waveform radar signals 脉间波形变换信号
- One kind of new pulse compression radar signal obtained by combining chirp waveform with binary pseudorandom sequences is discussed. 报道了一类由二相编码信号与线性调频信号组合而成的新的脉冲压缩信号。导出了这类信号的表达式。
- HASI will make similar measurements using radar signals. HASI也会运用雷达讯号进行类似的量测。
- The Generating Technology of Wideband Radar Signals II. 宽带雷达信号产生技术2。
- Calculation of rms in various waveforms. 各种波形的有效值换算关系
- Generate mass of pseudo radar signals to overload the ESM classifier. 产生大量的假雷达信号,使ESM分类器过载;
- This signal sorting system can process various radar signals including normal signal, staggered PRI signal, frequency-agile signal, dither signal, frequency-agile signal with staggered PRI signal, frequency-agile signal with dither signal. 该分选系统可以处理常规信号、参差信号、捷变频信号、抖动信号、捷变频加参差信号、捷变频加抖动信号等多种信号类型。
- LFM-Costas stepped frequency radar (SFR) signal is an important radar signal. 线性调频 Costas频率步进雷达信号是一种很有研究价值的雷达信号。
- The delay in radar signals mentioned above has been referred to as a fourth test of general relativity. 上面提到的雷达讯号的延迟被称为广义相对论的第四个检验。
- The emitter radar signal received by electronic intelligence system (ELINT) receivers is the function of time, relative space position, various complex modulation and the atmospheric propagation effect , etc. 电子情报侦察系统(ELINT)的接收机接收到的雷达辐射源信号是时间、空间相对位置、多种复杂调制和传播途径上大气传播效应影响的函数。
- The rings cannot be gaseous in that they reflect sunlight and radar signals far too well. 环不可能是气态的,因为他们把阳光和雷达信号反射得十分清楚。
- Recognition and parameters estimation of the polyphase-coded radar signals are discussed in this paper. 该文研究了多相码雷达信号的识别与参数估计。
- It was heavily concerned with "jamming", "spoofing", and intercepting and analyzing the enemy's radar signals. 常用的手段有干扰,欺骗以及截取并分析敌方的雷达信号。
- German scientists quickly developed an instrument which picked up the radar signal and gave the V-boat warning. 德国科学家很快造出了一种能测知雷达信号并给潜艇发出警报的仪器。
- In this paper, a design of pseudo-code CW Rendezvous and Docking (RVD) radar signal processor is presented. 摘要介绍了某伪码连续波交会对接雷达信号处理机设计。
- The generative force at the tip of the IPMC actuators were measured with respect to the different voltages,frequents and various waveforms which include square,sin... 随着电刺激信号频率的降低,其输出力也增大;而波形对其输出力影响不显著。
- When jamming is needed, the data in DRFM are convoluted with the received radar signals, and then the result signals are retransmitted. 干扰时将其与接收到的雷达信号相卷积,转发,雷达信号经处理后得到干扰和真实目标图像相叠加的复合图像。
- In this paper a way of using signal's self-correlation output's envelop to detect PC radar signal is put forward. 提出了一种利用自相关输出的包络特征检测、别脉压雷达信号的方法。