- vehicle fuel monitoring system 车载燃油监测系统
- Design and Application of the Fuel Monitoring System on Air-Conditioned Generator Car 空调发电车燃油监测系统的设计与应用
- Design of PLC Monitoring System Based on Fieldbus. 基于现场总线的PLC网络监控系统设计。
- CCTV Monitoring System at Nanchang Gas Co. 南昌市煤气公司闭路电视监控系统简介。
- In 2006, the Company successfully developed a set of “Vessel Fuel Oil Monitoring System” (VNRS). 公司于2006年成功开发出一套“船舶燃油监控平台(简称VNRS)”。
- A pair of fiscal 2006 is a personal family car ownership cost management software, he can help you record vehicle maintenance history, monitor vehicle fuel consumption, tracking various overhead costs of keeping a car. 爱车理财2007是一款个人家庭养车费用管理软件,他能帮助你记录汽车保养维修历史,监视汽车燃料耗费量,追踪各种养车费用开销。
- The check components and circuitry of forced main fuel trip should be separated from other control and monitoring system. 强制性主燃料跳闸的检测元件和线路,应与其他控制监视系统分开。
- This paper makes a research on realizing Real-time Vehicle Monitoring System Based on GPS/GPRS/GIS. 本文给出了一种基于GPS/GIS的实时车辆监控指挥系统的实现方案。
- Dr Hon LAW Chi-kwong raised a question on the use and regulation of rapeseed oil as vehicle fuel. 罗致光议员就使用及规管芥花籽油作车辆燃油一事提出质询。
- Numerous jet fuel monitoring facilities for buried double wall pipe systems dating from the late 1980's to the present. 从80年代末到现在,我们给无数的军用机场燃料监控系统埋设双重地下管网系统。
- The Application of On-line Monitoring System to Nitric Acid Plant. 工业在线监控系统在硝酸厂的应用在硝酸厂中所起的功效。
- Vehicle fuel efficiency standards must be enhanced. Aviation and maritime emissions must be reduced through mandatory targets. 必须提高交通能源效率的标准。应该通过强制目标减少航空和海运排放。
- Control and Monitor System for Environmental Protection Facilities. 环保监控工程。
- The streamlined shape of the vehicle to reduce drag coefficient, and the drag coefficient is the impact on vehicle fuel economy is an important factor. 流线型的外形能降低车辆的风阻系数,而风阻系数是影响到车辆燃油经济性的一个重要因素。
- Temperature and humidity monitoring system for large granary? 大型粮库温湿度监控系统?
- Alcohol gasoline as vehicle fuel is prepared by fuel alcohol and gasoline, its octane number is frequently determined during preparation. 车用乙醇汽油是由燃料乙醇与基础汽油以一定比例调合而成,调配时测定其辛烷值的频次较高。
- Online monitoring system for fan on catalyst reforming unit. 催化重整装置风机在线监测系统。
- In this thesis a monitor system for coke states is designed . 本文对电站锅炉结焦状态监测系统进行了研究与设计。
- Vehicle fuel consumption calculator software and statistics to help you calculate vehicle fuel consumption, fuel costs, such as information and statistical data to create reports. 汽车油耗计算器软件能够帮助妳计算和统计汽车油耗,加油费用等信息,并统计数据,形成报告。
- The practice has shown that the monitoring system is effectual. 实践表明,该监督控制系统是行之有效的。