- Vehicle integrated navigation system 车载组合导航系统
- Error Modeling of MEMS Gyroscopes and Its Application on Flight Vehicle Integrated Navigation 微机电陀螺误差建模及其在飞行器组合导航中的应用
- Vehicle Integrated Navigator System 车载集成导航系统
- Study and Design of the GPS Multi-function Integrated Navigation and Positioning Instrument for Vehicle. GPS多功能车载自主动态导航系统的研究与设计。
- The software design is the crux of integrated navigation system. 组合导航系统的关键是软件设计。
- To improve the navigation accuracy of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), a novel terrain passive integrated navigation system (TPINS) is presented. 摘要为了提高自主水下航行器的导航精度,提出了一种新型地形无源组合导航系统。
- Navigation algorithm is the key technique of integrated navigation system. 导航算法是组合导航系统中的关键技术。
- Then,the alignment algorithm of IMU/GPS integrated navigation system on moving base was designed by Kalman filtering. 利用卡尔曼滤波技术,设计了IMU/GPS组合导航系统的动基座对准算法。
- It is an effective way in integrated navigation by using Strapdown Inertial Navigation System(SINS),GPS and Doppler Velocity Log(DVL). 利用捷联惯导(SINS)、GPS定位系统和多普勒计程仪(DVL)进行组合导航是水下运载器导航定位的有效方式。
- An independently integrated navigation system using odometer (OD) to assist the strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS/OD) is discussed. 摘要利用里程计辅助捷联惯导系统构成一种完全自主式的车载组合导航系统。
- To avoid the defects of the BD active positioning system, a BD/INS integrated navigation system was presented. 针对北斗一代系统有源定位体制的缺陷,本文提出了无源北斗/惯导组合导航系统方案利用无源北斗的伪距信息改善惯导系统的定位精度;
- A design of Beidou/Changhe integrated navigation system was reserched and its implemental approach was discussed. 摘要为了提升北斗与长河各自的功能,研究了北斗/长河组合导航系统的系统设计及实现方法。
- The integrated navigation system instantly revises the SINS by the navigation information of CNS. 结合高超声速跨大气层再入飞行体的模拟飞行轨道,进行了组合导航数学仿真。
- Using the cleanroom methods, the paper gives effective reliability design of integrated navigation system is proposed. 从可靠性的角度出发,引入净室技术对组合导航系统软件进行了有效的可靠性设计。
- Provide hands-on support on vehicle integration, especially on electronic controls side. 为车辆的整合提供现场支持,尤其是电子控制方面。
- Based on the work above, a federated filter of SINS/GPS/BD/TAN integrated navigation system is built. 在上述工作的基础上,构造了可应用于SINS/GPS/BD/TAN组合导航系统的联邦滤波器。
- Guided by the INS/GPS integrated navigation system, weapons can achieve high accuracy and low costs. 机载武器采用INS/GPS组合导航方式,可以成为低成本、高精度的制导武器。
- This paper presents a distributed Collaborative Working Environment (CWE): AVIDM (Aerospace vehicle Integrated Design Manufacture) cowork based on J2EE platform and JMS, which supports multi-platform, thin client, extensibility and real-time. 摘要针对分布式协同工作环境的分布式、跨平台、瘦客户端、可扩展和多终端实时同步的要求,提出了一个基于J2EE平台的分布式协同工作环境解决方案,采用JMS消息机制,支持分布式部署,适应大型协同工作的要求。
- This paper studies SINS/GPS/DVL integrated navigation whose emphases is Kalman Filter, and failure detection. 本文主要研究以卡尔曼滤波算法为核心的SINS/GPS/DVL组合导航以及故障检测。
- A low cost-inertial-measurement-unit (IMU) based integrated navigation system is already being the research tide in the navigation field. 摘要基于低成本惯性测量单元的组合导航系统已经逐步成为导航领域的研究热点和主要发展方向。