- This apparent interest of his in modern music is completely pseudo. 他对现代音乐显露出的雅兴纯属自欺欺人。
- The episodes of bigeminy and ventricular tachycardia were sorted in descending order so that 10 longest episodes were always reviewed. 室性二联律和室性心动过速发作以递降顺序分类,所以总是要观察十次最长的发作。
- Cindy told him with pseudo sweetness. 辛迪装出一种甜甜蜜蜜的口吻对他说。
- Conclusion Expression of bigeminy and tachycardia of ventricular arrhythmia can reflect the cardiac ischemia more accurately than the number of simple ventricular premature beats. 结论:室性心律失常的联律和阵速的出现频率,比单发室性早博数量更能准确反应心肌缺血性改变的情况。
- PCIThe PCI pseudo driver is in drivers/pci/pci. PCIPCI伪设备驱动位于drivers/pci/pci.
- He rubbed his cheek with pseudo ruefulness. 他露出假装悔恨的表情摸摸自己的脸颊。
- Operation disallowed on SMI pseudo table. 不允许操作假冒的表。
- Her care for the poor is completely pseudo. 她对穷人的关心完全是假的。
- Pseudo Manchu-Qing colonist dynasty. 做为一位中国人,我感到震惊和耻辱!!
- There is progressive ventricular dilatation. 渐进发展的脑室扩大。
- Results Ventricular arrhythmia in patients with coronary heart disease showed more pleomorphism, bigeminy, ventricular tachycardia and R-ON-T phenomena than patients with non-coronary disease. 结果:135例患者中,冠心病组室性心律失常更多地表现为多源性、联律、室速及R-ON-T现象,且R-ON-T现象明显多于非冠心病组。
- Why Are the Pseudo Academics Praised by the Mass Media to the Sky? 伪学术为什么会被传媒捧上天?
- Lcg_value() returns a pseudo random number in the range of (0, 1). lcg_value()返回范围为(0,1)的一个伪随机数。
- There are two special pseudo attributes entry and children. 这有两个特殊的伪属性条目及其子条目。
- Ventricular fibrillation can occur in severe hyperkalemia. 在严重高血钾时可以出现心室纤颤。
- Treat Pseudo Manchu-Qing colonist dynasty, I never would be calm! 对待伪满清殖民政权,我永远不会心平气和!
- Dispersion of the Ventricular Repolarization in the Voltage Domain. 在电压范围测量的心室复极离散。
- The heart frequently exhibits ventricular arrhythmia. 心脏经常表现出室性心律不齐。
- The ventricular septal defect is closed with a patch. 用一个补片把室间隔缺损补上。