- Problems in verbal intelligence quotient (VIQ)and performance intelligence quotient (PIQ)were noticed.Conclusion There are differences ... 结论多动症儿童智力发展不平衡,可导致学习成绩不良、社会适应能力下降和不同程度的人格缺陷。
- Results: The scales scores and verbal intelligence quotient (VIQ) and final intelligence quotient (FIQ) of chronic schizophrenic patients were lower (P<0.01). 结果:研究组各分量表及言语智商、总智商较低(P<0.;01);未分化型患者总智商较低(P<0
- The results revealed the average full intelligence quotient(IQ)of schizophrenia was 79.70, the verbal intelligence quotient(VIQ) 84.43, and the performance intelligence quotient(PIQ) 74.10. 结果:精神分裂症患者的智商均值为79.;70,言语智商为84
- verbal intelligence quotient(VIQ) 言语智商
- His intelligence quotient is very high. 他的智商很高。
- verbal intelligence quotient 言语智商
- He trumpeted his son's high intelligence quotient. 他到处吹嘘他儿子的智商高。
- The full intelligence quotient(FIQ),verbal IQ(VIQ) and performances IQ(PIQ) in FAD group were in normal range,but FIQ and PIQ were significantly lower than those of control group. FAD组的总智商 (FIQ)、言语智商 (VIQ)及操作智商 (PIQ)均在正常范围 ,但FIQ、PIQ显著低于对照组 ;
- Those with“verbal intelligence,”for example, are likely to be eloquent speakers, who think in words rather than in pictures. 举例来说,有“口语智能”的人可能是能言善道者,他们用文字而不是图像思考。
- Our spiritual intelligence quotient, or SQ, helps us understand ourselves, and live fuller, happier lives. 我们的精神智商,或sq,帮助我们了解自我,生活得更充实,更幸福。
- Advanced education, high intelligence (especially verbal intelligence), open-mindedness, and good mental health abet empathic accuracy. 高等教育,高级智能(尤其是语言智能),思想开放,好的精神健康会帮助移情准确率。
- A high communal intelligence quotient does not always, it seems, insure communal efficiency. 社区中的高智商似乎并不总能确保社区的效能。
- Objective To discuss changes of consequence intelligence quotient(CIQ) following anterior temporal lobectomy(ATL). 目的探讨前颞叶切除术(ATL)后癫痫患者推理智商(CIQ)的变化。
- A person who has an exceptionally high intelligence quotient, typically above140. 高智商的人,资质优秀的人有异常高的智商数的人,尤以高于140者为典型
- Our spiritual intelligence quotient,or SQ,helps us understand ourselves,and live fuller,happier lives. 我们的精神智商,或SQ,帮助我们了解自我,生活得更充实,更幸福。
- Since they were first invented in1908, IQ( Intelligence Quotient) tests have been telling people how smart they are. 自从智商(力商数)验于1908年被发明以来,它们一直在告诉人们他们有多聪明。
- On the other hand, learning foreign languages also can raise people's intelligence quotient. 学习外语也可以提高我们的智商。
- A person who has an exceptionally high intelligence quotient, typically above 140. 高智商的人,资质优秀的人:有异常高的智商数的人,尤以高于140者为典型。
- The child makes intelligence quotient determine must get the home agrees longly. 孩子作智商测定必须得到家长的同意。
- This test is developed with the aim of measuring your Intelligence Quotient (IQ). 本测试的目的是测量您的智商。