- Calculation method of vertical earth pressure on circular reinforced concrete culvert 钢筋混凝土圆管涵竖向土压力计算方法
- vertical earth pressure 垂直土压力
- The distribution of vertical stress between the walls and the coefficients of lateral earth pressure according to catenary arch were compared with that according to circular arch. 最后通过算例分析了土拱效应对土压力计算结果的影响。
- The earth pressure is calculated by using Rankin theory or Column theory. 通常采用朗金理论或库仑理论计算作用在挡土墙上的土压力.
- If the driven pile option is adopted, raking piles can be driven to counter-act the earth pressure. 假如采用打入桩,则可打入斜桩,以抵挡土压力。
- Earth pressure balance (EPB) shield is used most extensively in shield construction. 土压平衡式盾构机是盾构法施工中应用最为广泛的盾构机。
- By use of a special test equipment, the effect of earth pressure on the drainage pressure is measured. 使用有限元渗流分析法对不同土压力、不同设置长度下的排水效果进行了分析;
- Relatively the measured deformation and lateral earth pressure were insensitive to the roughness of the wall. 相对来说,所测得的位移和土压力对简壁的摩擦不很灵敏。
- The calculation principle of earth pressure using principal stress arching is proposed. 给出了用主应力拱应力分析计算土压力的基本原理。
- The coefficient of earth pressure changes accordantly with the value of the ea... 土压力系数与土压力数值大小的变化规律相一致。
- The earth pressure against the retaining piles with interval consists of two parts: direct and indirect earth pressure. 将间隔布桩时护壁桩侧土压力分为直接土压力和间接土压力两部分。
- The calculation results of unit earth pressure on retaining wall agreed well with those of experimental results. 计算结果表明,挡土墙主动土压力分布与模型试验结果基本一致;
- FEM is applied to analyses the displacement and internal force of the structure under the two different mode of distribution of the earth pressure. 在此基础之上,利用弹性力学有限单元法分别对大圆筒结构在不同的墙后土压力分布情况下的位移、内力进行了计算分析。
- The further investigation of the formula shows that it can be used to determine the coefficient of earth pressure at rest of cohesionless soil. 文中讨论结果表明,该公式可用于确定无粘性土的静止土压力系数。
- The vertical line meets the horizontal one here. 垂直线与水平线在此相交。
- Water and earth pressures are key factors to the stability of foundation pit. 摘要基坑支护结构上水土压力的大小是关系基坑稳定的重要因素。
- A series of calculation was made including earth pressure, load on surface, tie rods allocation, shear capacity and deflection checkings etc. 为此进行了一系列计算,包括土压力取值、面荷载取值、杆位置确定、筋计算、剪承载力验算、度验算等。
- During the process of computation the traditional Ranken's earth pressure theory and that of Coulomb's were reasonably simplified. 设计计算时,对传统的朗金土压力和库仑土压力理论进行了合理的简化。
- The egg-shaped arch culvert is applied to bear vast earth pressure under high filling because it has good compressive capability. 卵形拱涵具有良好的抗压性,适合应用在高填方下承受巨大的土压力。
- The bearing capacity of the soil behind the thrust wall is analyzed with Rankine theory for lateral passive earth pressure in a pipe jaking project. 摘要以某顶管工程为背景,采用朗肯被动土压力理论对后背土体的承载能力进行了分析;