- vertical tube cooling coil 竖管式冷却器
- A water pipe that consists of a bottle or a vertical tube partially filled with liquid and a smaller tube ending in a bowl, used often in smoking narcotic substances. 水烟枪一种用部分盛液体的瓶或垂直管和一根接在木球上的小管做成的盛水管,经常用来吸麻醉物品
- Central single zone heat pump unit, typically with ductwork. System has indoor fan and cooling coil and remote compressor/condensing unit. 有谁知道以上两种系统有什么区别?能不能举一、两个例子,对于家里房间里用的普通的空调器(带室外机和室内机的那种),是属于哪种系统呢?
- The paper suggests a math model of cooling coil in low temperature air supply system under different cooling or dehumidifying conditions. 由于低温风处理设备大多处于全湿、半湿工况,冷却盘管模型应能根据工况的不同进行判断。
- S.G. Kandlikar, An improved correlation for predicting horizontal and vertical tube, Two-phase Flow and Heat Transfer Conf. Seattle, W.A.(1983). 王维城;刘志坚;王补宣;张立宁.;强化水平管内流动沸腾换热的实验研究
- Vertical tube mounting is preferred, but horizontal opration is permissible if pins 2 and 8 are in horizontal plane. 垂直管安装是首选,但对于横向的操作是可以容许的,如果引脚2和8个是在水平面。
- The analysis result is that the space between reheating and cooling coil pipes in air conditioner used in cleaning room in pharmaceutical plant is excessive small. 分析了药厂洁净室专用空调箱内再热盘管与冷盘管之间间距过小是对空气的出风工况产生不利影响的主要原因。
- Based on Darcy-Brinkman Model, a theoretical study of laminar film condensation on a vertical tube surface with thin porous coatings was carried on. 假设:(1为无限大空间;(2层流膜状凝结;(3凝结为二维轴对称;(4)凝液与蒸汽之间无两现区;(5)忽略对流项和惯性项。
- The combustor consisted of a vertical tube opened at both ends with a swirling-stream flame stabiliser located near the middle of its lower half. 在实验 中所采用的脉劝燃烧器是基于里克管原理设计的。
- The heat transfer enhancement of the mixtures of isopropyl alcohol and water inside vertical tube was experimented in the presence of air. 以异丙醇-水溶液为研究物系,引入空气对垂直管内流动相变强化传热进行了实验研究。
- Installations with chill water cooling, needing constant air volume and dehumidification, traditionally use a draw through air handling unit with a cooling coil and a re-heat coil. 本研究是以开发一辆技术教育用弹珠式热空气引擎车为目标,学生可藉由制作此本研究所开发的模型车学习与热力学等有关知识与原理。
- Falling film absorption with TFE/NMP solution in a static vertical tube and that in a vacillating tube are investigated respectively. 分别对静止和摇摆状态下TFE/NMP垂直管内降膜吸收进行实验研究。
- The Cromer cycle uses a desiccant to move moisture from the saturated air leaving an air conditioning (AC) cooling coil to the air returning to the AC unit from the conditioned space. 摘要 台湾是一个人口稠密、四面环海且天然资源不足的岛屿,为了能持续维持经济的发展和空间资源的有效利用,台湾四周的海洋环境就必须有计画的开发和管理。
- Three-layer feedforward neural network(BP network) combined with traditional model of air cooling coil is applied to set up a model of air cooling coil based on artificial neural network. 为了对表冷器进行准确建模,进而有效地对其进行模拟仿真,利用三层前馈人工神经网络(BP网络),结合传统的表冷器模型,建立了基于人工神经网络的表冷器模型。
- A water pipe that consists of a bottle or a vertical tube partially filled with liquid and a smaller tube ending in a bowl,used often in smoking narcotic substances. 水烟枪,一种用部分盛液体的瓶或垂直管和一根接在木球上的小管做成的盛水管,经常用来吸麻醉物品。
- The experimental results on the effect of inclined angle of tube end on flooding velocity of immiscible mixtures condensed in a vertical tube are reported. 实验研究了管端斜口对竖直管内不互溶蒸汽冷凝液泛气速的影响,并给出了经验关系式。
- The result of experiment indicate that the helically tube has great capabilities in restraining the heat transfer deterioration in comparision with the vertical tube. 研究结果表明,螺旋管内两相沸腾传热恶化临界干度较垂直管内的高。
- Finally, the cooling temperature of the thermoacousticlly driven pulse tube cooler is deceased from 83.5K to 81.6K with the acoustic amplifier. 最后采用不同长度的声学放大器进行热声驱动脉管制冷机实验,使单级脉管制冷机制冷温度由原来的83.;5K下降到81
- Surface cooling coil testing with orthogonal array 正交试验法在表冷器试验中的应用