- He was very active and rode down several horses. 他劲头很大,一连骑了好几匹马。
- He's very active for an elderly man. 作为老年人,他是非常活跃的。
- She is very active for an octogenarian. 她已经是八旬老人了,还很精神。
- The boy is very active, ha never flays up. 这个男孩很活跃,但从来不惹麻烦。
- That professor had ever been very active on the world scene. 那位教授曾在国际舞台上非常活跃。
- very active solvent 甚速挥发性溶剂
- He is a very active sort of person and cannot bear to see others idling about. 他是那种积极肯干的人,看不惯别人懒懒散散。
- He was still very active in the evening of his life. 他在晚年时仍很活跃。
- The children are very active, but never play up. 这些孩子很活跃,可是从不淘气。
- The ole couple is very active and talkative. 这对老夫妇非常活跃健谈.
- Wonen are very active in sports in china. 在中国女子非常积极参加体育运动。
- The atmosphere was very active and heated,too. 气氛也显得活跃而热烈啊!
- The boy is very active; he never flays up. 这个男孩很活跃,但从来不惹麻烦。
- He is still very active in the evening of his life. 他在晚年时仍很活跃。
- Our late President is still very active. 我们的前任总统依旧非常活跃。
- Although he's nearly 80, he is still very active. 尽管快80岁了,他还是十分活跃。
- Although he's quite old he's still very active. 他虽然老了; 可仍闲不住.
- That child has a very active imagination. 那个小孩想像力十分丰富。
- Uh, people always say I am very active. 嗯,人们都说我是个活跃分子。
- The place had become very active. 那个地方显得非常紧张。