- very low level waste 极低放废物
- PTHrp is widely expressed, but in a very low level. PTHrp在机体的各种组织器官内广泛表达,但表达量却很低。
- The morale of the enemy forces sank to a very low level. 敌军士气十分低落。
- Grinding poverty results in a very low level of literacy. 贫穷的煎熬使得海地国民中的识字水平极低.
- Prices have gone through the floor(= fallen to a very low level). 物价已经探底。
- What if I operate my pump at a very low level for sump cleanout purposes? 如果为了清理污水坑,我不得不使泵运行在低水位,这时会出现什么情况?
- These areas are also characterized by a very low level of health care work. 卫生保健水平也很低。
- The attending physician says Andrew Speaker has a very low level of contagion. 主治医生说安德鲁斯皮棵传染的几率很小。
- Angel Gurria said that the inflation rate will be at a very low level. 葛利亚表示,通胀率将会处在非常低的水平。
- You have very low level of calligraphy skill. You should practice more. 你的书法水平还很低,要多临池练习。
- But the one-to-one mapping between XMT-A and BIFS keeps XMT-A at a very low level. 但是在XMT-A和BIFS之间存在一对一的映射,这使得XMT-A的级别非常低。
- Demand is reaching a very low level in this part of the year before progressively recovering from August. 自8月份逐步恢复前,今年这一时期,需求将达到非常低的水平。
- Before treatment Mel-18 was expressed in a very low level but Bmi-1 in a high level. MG-132处理前HL-60细胞Mel-18表达水平很低,而Bmi-1表达水平较高;
- The untreated bronchial epithelial cell expressed Eot-3 protein on a very low level. 未经处理的人支气管上皮细胞仅表达微量Eot-3;
- The bottom has fallen out of the market, ie Trade has dropped to a very low level. 市场崩溃了(生意很萧条).
- The 10- to 30-minute procedure uses an X-ray machine, known as DXA, that exposes you to a very low level of radiation. 这种检测通过DXA(双能量X线骨密度仪)仪器进行,过程通过使用持续10至30分钟的低辐射X光完成。
- In the cut model the relationship can not be restored, the PDGF-B was decreased to a very low level. 在切割伤模型中,二者关系不能恢复,PDGF-B减至极低水平。
- The rate of the public basic scientific literacy in Liuzhou was only 0.55%, which is at a very low level. 统计结果显示:柳州市公众具备基本科学素养的比例仅为0.;55%25,远低于全国和广西平均水平。
- This is no easy task for China,a country with a population of 1.2 billion and a still very low level of economic development. 这对于有12亿人口、经济发展水平还很低的中国来说,也是相当不容易的。
- For a male contraceptive even a very low level of toxicity is unacceptable which is why we adopted the approach of using follicle-stimulating hormone,” Dr. 作为一个男性避孕药,哪怕它的毒性只在一个非常低的水平也是不可以的,所以我们采用了使用促卵泡激素的方法。