- It may contain secretory products, e.g. a vesicle budded off from the Golgi apparatus, or particles, e.g. endocytotic vesicle. 例如:高尔基体出芽生成的小泡或颗粒;内质网小泡。
- The arrangement of the young leaves within a bud. 幼叶卷叠式花蕾内的幼叶的排列
- The trees and hedgerows are in bud. 大树小树都已长出嫩芽。
- Calyx encloses an unopened flower bud. 花萼围绕在花瓣的外层。
- THe plant will come into bud in spring. 那种植物将在春天发芽。
- A fungal spore produced by budding. 芽生孢子芽生的真菌孢子
- The trees are budding early this year. 今年树木发芽早。
- vesicle budding 小泡芽生
- The peach flowers are now in bud. 桃花正含苞待放。
- Any ill-feeling has to be nipped in the bud. 一切恶感都必须在萌芽状态就消灭。
- Bud, stop carrying on about your tummy ache like that. 巴德,别为肚子痛大呼小叫了。
- Guessing his intentions, Ann had resolved to check them in the bud. 安猜到他的用意之后,决定防患于未然,使之不能实现。
- Vesicle rose on the hand, very urticant, how to do? 手上起了小水泡,很痒,怎么办?
- How did a vesicle grow to do on the hand? 手上长了一个小水泡怎么办?
- What reason is vesicle growing on the hand? 手上长了小水泡是什么原因?
- Vesicle often rises on the foot, what reason be? 脚上老是起小水泡,是什么原因?
- Trees begin to bud in the spring. 树在春天开始发芽。
- A bad habit in a child should be nipped in the bud. 应该尽早把孩子的坏习惯改过来。
- The flowers on the branches are in bud. 枝头的花朵含苞待放。
- He decide to pinch back the bud on the plant. 他决定将植物上的芽掐掉。