- A veteran cadre was named for the directorship. 一位老干部被任命为厂长。
- This veteran cadre is looked up to by everybody. 这位老干部受到众人的尊敬。
- This veteran cadre still remains his philosophy of hard work and plain-living. 这位老干部仍然保持着艰苦朴素的作风。
- In reform of medical treatment system, to retiring veteran cadre should give take care of appropriately. 在医疗制度改革中,对离休老干部要给予适当照顾。
- These veteran cadres enjoy the trust and support of the people. 这些老干部受到人民的信任和支持。
- We veteran cadres should set a good example in this respect. 我们这些老干部应该在这方面做出好样子来。
- A number of veteran cadres have taken the lead in abolishing the system of life tenure in leading posts, furthering the reform of the cadre system. 一批老同志以实际行动,带头废除领导职务终身制,推进干部制度的改革
- During that period many veteran cadres suffered persecution,including me. 当时很多老干部受迫害,包括我在内。
- During that period many veteran cadres suffered persecution, including me. 当时很多老干部受迫害,包括我在内。
- Retired senior leader; retired veteran cadre 老同志
- Retired veteran cadre; retired senior leader 离休干部
- Retired senior leader;retired veteran cadre 老同志
- Retired veteran cadre;retired senior leader 离休干部
- We veteran cadres have the responsibility of making earnest efforts to select successors. 我们老干部的责任就是要认真选好接班人。
- And,in the "Cultural Revolution",Comrade Mao Zedong did not intend to overthrow all the veteran cadres. 毛泽东同志在“文化大革命”中也不是想把所有老干部都整倒。
- Many veteran cadres think the only good cadres are those who support them, and this seems to be a widespread phenomenon in the Party. 好像我们党里有一种风气,就是在老干部里头有相当一部分人认为谁拥护自己谁就是好干部。
- A number of veteran cadres have taken the lead in abolishing the system of life tenure in leading posts, furthering the reform of the cadre system. This deserves special mention in the annals of our Party. 一批老同志以实际行动,带头废除领导职务终身制,推进干部制度的改革,这件事在党的历史上值得大书特书。
- If instead of starting with such a show of determination we hesitate and delay,many more people may go astray,including some veteran cadres. 如果我们没有点声势,拖拖拉拉,下不了手,还会有大批的人变坏,包括一些老干部。
- It is up to the veteran cadres to take the lead in further developing our Party's tradition of maintaining close ties with the masses. 发扬党的密切联系群众的传统作风,要靠我们老干部起模范带头作用。
- Many veteran cadres think the only good cadres are those who support them,and this seems to be a widespread phenomenon in the Party. 好像我们党里有一种风气,就是在老干部里头有相当一部分人认为谁拥护自己谁就是好干部。