- This seems a bit arbitrary and limiting. There are some viable alternatives to scrollbars. 滚动条有一些变体,其中最好的一种是文档导航器。
- This seems a bit ar bitrary and limiting. There are some viable alternatives to scrollbars. 滚动条有一些变体,其中最好的一种是文档导航器。
- True, but the SDR is not a viable alternative. 这是真的,但是,特别提款权不是一种可行的选择。
- Additional medical treatment using laxatives, drug therapy or surgery are generally not viable alternatives for the long-term restoration and promotion of colon health. 附加医疗用泻药,药物治疗或手术,一般也不可行,为长期恢复和促进结肠健康。
- In the mountains, UHF radio waves may not be a viable alternative. 在多山的区域中,超高频收音机可能不是能养活的替代选择。
- In any case, before market reform is fully implemented and the market mechanism becomes reliable, there are really few viable alternatives for effecting macroeconomic adjustments than resorting to administrative measures. 无论如何,在全面实施市场改革,以及发展出可靠的市场机制之前,除了运用行政手段外,其他能有效进行宏观经济调控的可行方案实在寥寥无几。
- Continued growth of metropolitan areas may find DC a viable alternative. 随着大都市地区不断地扩大,发现直流电缆很有可能取代交流电缆。
- The only remaining viable alternative is the heat produced when asteroids collide with one another. 剩下唯一的选择,是小行星彼此撞击产生的热。
- Keep reading this series and decide for yourself if JSF is a viable alternative to Struts for your project. 请继续阅读本系列文章,并自己确定JSF对于您的项目是不是Struts的可行替代。
- If you ve found the larger UI tool kits intimidating, Buoy is a viable alternative. 如果觉得较大的UI工具包太可怕,那么Buoy是个不错的选择。
- Today, the most viable alternative to China's political status quo is left Confucianism. 如今,中国政治现状最为可行的替换者就是左派儒家学说。
- In the era of minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic urological surgery has been proven to be a viable alternative. 在这微创手术的时代,腹腔镜泌尿道手术已逐渐取代传统手术方式。
- And the internet, with its copious free clips, is an increasingly viable alternative to the paid stuff. 其次是互联网,其免费资源正日益成为人们购买色情电影的另一选择。
- The SDR, however, is more like an exchange-traded fund (ETF) than a currency, and is not a viable alternative to the dollar. 但是,特别提款权更像是一种上市交易基金(ETF)而不是一种货币,因此它不是替代美元的一种可行的选择。
- Viable alternative options exist for the provision of a reliable gas supply to Hong Kong. We do not believe Hong Kong should solve one environmental problem by creating another. 我们认为仍有其他选址可以为香港提供稳定的天然气,亦不认同香港为解决一个环境问题而制造另一个环境问题。
- Most smoke grenades removed until a viable alternative or solution is found to minimize crashing issues. It has also received minor changes in an effort to move away from crashes. 在找到有效地解决办法之前去掉了大多数烟雾弹以防止游戏出错,现在游戏出错的现象已经大大减少,但还有可能发生。
- Also, when the application requires storage that is more flexible and complex than what a row in a database provides, isolated storage can provide a viable alternative. 另外,当应用程序要求比数据库的行所提供的存储更加灵活和复杂的存储时,独立存储也可以提供一个可行的替代方案。
- Such a mitigation bank could be operated and managed by the ECF and would provide a viable alternative to on site mitigation where doing so would be difficult or impracticable. 另一方面,诸如环境地役权、换地、向特定银行领取信贷及可买卖发展权等措施,既有助推动自然保育,也能带来可观的经济利益。
- Conclusion Manual reduction and external fixation provides viable alternative in the management of supracondylar fracture of humerus in children with low complication. 结论 该方法可预防肘内翻、缺血性肌挛缩和肘关节伸屈功能受限等并发症发生,是治疗小儿伸直尺偏型肱骨髁上骨折的理想方法。
- Clearly it is not a viable alternative to stop using disinfectants in drinking water supplies and risk massive outbreaks of cholera, typhoid fever, and other waterbome diseases. 很明显在引用水中停止使用消毒剂不是一个可行的方法,因为它会导致霍乱,伤寒感冒和其它疾病的大规模爆发。