- vibrating sinking mould 振动沉模
- Study of Applicability and Construction Technique of Vibration Sinking Mould and Extrusion Pour Slurry Used for Thin Cut-off Wall 振动沉模挤压注浆薄防渗墙施工技术及其适用性研究
- Experimental Study of Pouring Material for the Vibration Sinking Mould Plank Wall of Seepage Prevention in Yanglongtan Reservoir 羊龙潭水库振动沉模防渗板墙灌注材料的试验研究
- The cargo is unloaded safely from the sinking ship. 货物被安全地从沉船上卸下。
- I did not imagine that you would sink to cheating. 我没想到你会堕落到去行骗。
- Preliminary Discussion on Applicability of Sand Compaction Piles with Vibrating Sinking Pipe 浅议振动沉管挤密砂桩的适用性
- My explanation took a long time to sink in. 我的解释很久才被人理解。
- Bread tends to mould in damp weather. 气候潮湿时,面包容易长霉。
- The crew abandoned the sinking ship. 全体船员离开了正在下沉的船。
- pouring stake of vibration sinking tube 振动沉管灌注桩
- The metal in the mould hardened into shape. 模子里的金属硬化成形。
- The ship is sinking, and I have to send a SOS. 船要沉了,我不得不发出紧急求救信号。
- The sun was sinking in the west. 夕阳西下。
- The oil workers are sinking a well. 石油工人正在打油井。
- They bailed water out of the sinking boat. 他们从正在下沈的船里把水舀出。
- The captain refused to leave his sinking ship. 船长拒绝离开正在下沈的船。
- Wet the clay a bit more before you start to mould it. 把泥再弄湿点再动手塑造。
- Send out a distress signal; the ship is sinking. 船正在下沉,发遇险信号吧。
- The sun was sinking as we turned for home. 我们转身往家走时,太阳已经要落山了。
- The patrol boat was ordered to stand by the sinking ship. 巡逻艇奉命留在那快要沉没的船只附近,以便进行救助。